The Real person behind your mask


Well-known member
well we all look shy and quite persons, sometimes some of us look and act weird, we say nothing, we dont have things to talk about... maybe lack of ineterests.... but we act this way with people whom we feel uncomfortable with, who we are afraid of what they thing of us etc...

but with people who you can be you... the real you, how do you act? i mean... how are you in real?

myself, i'm a funny guy, i make people laugh, i'm a big teaser, so calm and relaxed, and sometimes hyper when i'm in a very good mood. i show the pride i have for being a very handsome guy... even if some people doesnt see that something special in me... i see it, esxetrnally and internaly, i just love myself when im with people i'm comfortable with.

how about you?
I'm a different person depending on who I'm with.. I'm a weak personality. So weak that I don't have a personality at all. I adjust all the time to fit in with people.

I have no idea who I really am.


Well-known member
I am also kind of funny and laughs etc. when I feel comfortable. Hm I just think my having-fun-gene have a bit hard time showing itself because it's become rusty.


Well-known member
I don't know but when I am typsy I talk way to much and go crazy, not sure if thats me or not :lol: I got this as I was growing up so not sure if I have changed since I was younger or if its SA thats changed me but either way I have no idea who I am :roll:


New member
There really is only one person that I have been able to open up to completely and has seen the real me... that's my ex boyfriend. I was in love with him from freshmen year in highschool to the end of senior year in highschool. we dated that whole time.

but yea, I felt so comfortable around him he "briefly" cured my Eating Disorder... I didnt care about anything when I was with him.

I"m really funny and sarcastic, I'm sexy and I'm smart because I can actually state my opinion without people thinking I am nuts.

Even my close friends now.... people that I've been hanging out with for about a year and half at least... haven't really seen the real me. They've seen tiny "moments" of me that never last. They get a sneak preview.... if I'm lucky, and strangers.... they see nothing.

Especially at parties... i sit in a corner. It's silly because everyone tells me I'm beautiful. My best friend's boyfriend whom I rarely talk to even sent me a text after this party I went to lastnight saying "By far you were the best looking girl there"... so I mean, I know people aren't lying to me. I have a lot of friends. WHY? I don't know. I never talk.


Well-known member
Well I guess I can show my true self ONLY when i'm completley drunk and there SP free 8)

Otherwise.... :?


New member
well if i wasnt shy i would be this fun flirty girl who has fun and talks to evrybody
but i only act like dat if im wit my friends and the ppl im comfortable wit
and i especially hate walking in front of ppl like across the room wit a full room of ppl dat sux


Well-known member
im a bright bubbly happy hyper carefree girl who loves life and a laugh! i love bein the joker and carryin on and makin the world smile with me! i love to b loved and to show love. i am affectionate and touchy feely. i am romantic and sentimental. i am needy and vulnerable and need to b looked after. i am sensitive and caring and warm and giving. i am friendly and sociable and love to b with people. i like to have attention and to b doted upon.


Well-known member
If I didn't have SA, I'd be a go-getter, someone famous with a lot of ideas and who likes to organise things, like events, and I'd have liked to motivate and inspire people too, and make a +ve difference in their lives. I'd definitely not put things off, but unfortunately having SA the past few years, I have prevented myself from developing enough.


Well-known member
ive found that more and more of the time my personality is the SP one and not my real one and that scares me- soon will all i be is the SP personality?? but the real me is really funny, interesting, talkative, cool and comfortable. my mom says if ppl could c the real me every1 would love me, but they dont c it :(


Well-known member
I'm not sure who the real me is. I've been very shy/social phobic all my life. I don't know how to be anything other than that. Though when I'm with people I'm comfortable with or online I'm a little different - I still have some anxieties and paranoias etc. But I'm more able to be what I suppose is the "real me." I'm just not sure what that is. Sometimes, it's crazy and weird. Sometimes it's serious. Sometimes it's intigued and searching. Sometimes it's moody, sometimes it's happy. I'm not sure who or what I am lol.


Well-known member
when im with people im comfortable with im pretty funny in a really ironic, bitter and obnoxious way.


Active member
renegade said:
Well I guess I can show my true self ONLY when i'm completley drunk and there SP free 8)

Otherwise.... :?

i feel the same... thats why i drink so much lately... makes me loosen up , talk and laugh alot


Well-known member
endless_tension said:
I'm a different person depending on who I'm with.. I'm a weak personality. So weak that I don't have a personality at all. I adjust all the time to fit in with people.

I have no idea who I really am.

I feel this way sometimes. I feel like the biggest faker in my own life. An actress (and not a very good one, one who hates the stage!) I only know who I really am when I'm alone, does that make any sense?
My 'friends' don't have a clue. My family gets a bit clearer picture, but I act a little different with each family member. Like a chameleon, I adjust.
But when I'm alone, or when I'm outside in nature I feel unity and I understand what I am.


Well-known member
Truthfully, no one should really be fake unless it's sth terrible and if everyone could be their true selves then we'd realize that we're all regular, fragile and like attention and care and there aren't much differences, it's our insecurities on that truth though that we still try to protect ourselves.

i vent alot w those I'm close to about ppl's behaviors. thats one thing I notice. i can joke & make ppl laugh. I'm descriptive & can tell a long story out of a very short one. lol
everyone does bring out something different from me... or makes me feel a certian way. I've had certian guys that I was consistently outgoing, talkative, happy go lucky around & really comfortable but would'nt date (just considered a friend). some ppl, just make me happier to be around. of course i like to associate myself mostly with others who I feel comfortable with & can be myself.
Once again this website shocks me! I am not alone! Alot of you describe the way I feel so much.

When I'm comfortable with people I am happy, outgoing and occasionally funny but as soon as I lose that comfort factor my mind goes blank, I have nothing to say, I feel stupid and out of place trying to hind and not be seen.

Why does this happen? Why can't we be ourselves, I don't understand... :(