Comments Ive had over the past ten years or so in workplaces mainly. Lots of them really offended me at the time but then I decied to pity these people for not being able to appreciate diversity and difference amongst people:
You're so quiet.
You're not very verbal, you need to be more pro-active. (!?!)
You just "look" quiet.
Do you speak? (How do you answer that?)
You're very quiet aren't you?
You're very quiet, are you ok/do you understand?
Quiet people make things very difficult.
Its the quiet ones you should watch.
Perhaps he's a plant/spy evaluating the workforce. (If I was they still treated me as an alien life form!)
You're a man of few words aren't you?
Are you trying to say that Dan makes too much noise?
No wonder you're quiet if you worked in the civil service - they must have silenced you.
Do you know whats going on in here? (From a uni leturer just because I wasnt shooting my mouth off with the answers - I actually knew all the answers!)
Don't look so serious.
Cheer up mate it may never happen (X2)
Youre very quiet but very pleasant.
Thats the biggest noise youve ever made (after dropping a load of papers)
Your voice is so soft and quiet.
Then theres things like putting their head and ear in a patronising manner as if to say they re having trouble hearing my voice.
Or when I speak always saying pardon.
Or Cupping their ear and saying something like I cant understand what youre saying.
Youre so bolshy (said in sarcasm obviously)
Then theres general looking over at me in astonishment when I speak.
But places I've worked people have always looked at me aghast when Ive done things as simple as eat a bag of crisps in the office for a snack, or have a cup of cofee, I just dont understand! Eating a banana once sent then into a staring fenzy - I mean is a banana or a plastic cup of coffee an indicator of how introverted/extroverted you are- people have such strange ideas!! Does anyone else get this kind of thing?
I even get it if I wear clothes that they think someone quiet shouldnt wear, like if theyre fashionable or trendy. A new coat after xmas 06 sent one woman quiet strange with her reactions. This particular one also made comments under her breath about my sexuality (I am actually gay - but not in the closet or anything ) but didnt have the guts to challenge her about the prejudice, thats only the only time Ive had sexuality prejudice - its normally awkwardness and ignorance over the quiet and introverted personality.
I even heard some saying he knows how to do excel spreadsheets and databases you wouldnt think it looking at him would you? EH? What?
I must come across as either stupid, snobbish, boring, uninteresting or any combination of those.
One good thing though the work colleagues always take being a quiet and sensitive seeming man as being gay so I never really have to go thriough the comimg out thimg which is weird!
Whats everyones opinions of my ramblings?
I havent imagined any of it, its all true, its not paranoia which is what Im fequently told by people!