The PROMISE thread


Well-known member
OK, here's the deal. In this thread you make a PROMISE to yourself about something you will do this weekend. Then this weekend we all check in and see if we did it. Just a lil bit of friendly pressure to meet your goals :)

My PROMISE: I will have a 2 min or longer conversation with a girl.
Thats such a good idea!

I have a friend who I havent spoken to for months because I'm too nervous to call her, so I promise I will do that this weekend.


Well-known member
Although it's January in Canada, I promise to get out of the house this weekend no matter what. To take a walk, see a movie or meet someone for lunch, whatever. I stay in way too much and it's something I'm trying to improve on.
yeh this is a gud idea hmmm now what can i do this weekend .......

right this weekend i am going to......

make sure i go out, even if it is for a walk, on friday, saturday and sunday! and if im gonna be really gud im gonna get a bus into and from town on these 3 days too (but i dont promise to that one hehe)

good luck every1! u can do it!

candi xx


Well-known member
tomorrow im going to play football after work with my work mates, then ill go out in the evening and have a good time, without resorting to gettin so drunk i cant remeber half of it

great idea for a thread btw

and woo hoo 100 posts :lol:


Well-known member
I´m going to watch Seven Samurai and have a good time with my friends at the mall.
Hmm, i was going to do these anyway, i suck at these kind of promises.


Well-known member
Falcon said:
OK, here's the deal. In this thread you make a PROMISE to yourself about something you will do this weekend. Then this weekend we all check in and see if we did it. Just a lil bit of friendly pressure to meet your goals :)

My PROMISE: I will have a 2 min or longer conversation with a girl.
cool idea Falcon 8) .....this weekend i promise to (YIKES) stop at health food store after work and pick up wheatgrass seeds i ordered and have been in for like at least 2 weeks....and i'm too scared to go in and pick them up :oops:


Well-known member
I promise to goto a bar, get drunk, hit on someones girlfriend and then get into a bar fight. That might be fun, but I will probably have to settle for something easier and less violent. So, I promise to talk to a real live human being for more than 20 seconds....well that will be hard too, make it 10 seconds.


Well-known member
hehe yesterday i had a 1 hour 15 minute conversation with a good friend whos a girl on the phone we had phone sex im gonna do it again this weekend and btw im gonna get a new hairstyle at the hairdresser too!!


Well-known member
Wow!! I promise to listen to people more.

You guys dont seem like people with bad SP, a 1 hour conversation on the phone feels like such a challenge for me.

The thought of drinking with people seems crucifying, i'm just more screwed up then i realised.


im same as u richey i cant even imagine what kinda dumb things id do in an hour conversation with a chick....
and i find that trying to be a good listener doesnt work cause people talk on a level above words which i dont understand, or so it seems


Well-known member
How did everyone do?!?! :D

I fulfilled my promise! At least, I think it was 2 minutes! But I chatted with a clerk who was pretty bored at a Starbucks. She was kind of cute, too! :D


Well-known member
hiya Falcon :) ...i picked up my stuff at the health food store..but..of course...i stressed all the way there...had to repeat myself in the wasn't so bad :wink: