went to zanzibar to get some good herbs
Nanita Well-known member Jan 28, 2012 #108 ^ is from Spain and has a nice looking face and a nice Kramer avatar
MrJones Well-known member Jan 28, 2012 #109 ^Got me remembering my trip to Greece yesterday when I couldn't stop looking at her pictures oh, and has amazing green eyes!
^Got me remembering my trip to Greece yesterday when I couldn't stop looking at her pictures oh, and has amazing green eyes!
MrJones Well-known member Jan 28, 2012 #112 ^Can make you think and can make you laugh, and knows exactly when to do each one.
vj288 not actually Fiona Apple Jan 29, 2012 #113 ^Knows exactly how many tiles there are in a regulation scrabble set
coyote Well-known member Jan 29, 2012 #114 ^has never had the pleasure of wearing a necklace made out of pull tabs
hoddesdon Well-known member Feb 1, 2012 #116 does not bother drinking the soda - buys it just for the pull-tabs
MikeyC Well-known member Feb 3, 2012 #120 ^ Wonders about his jazz-playing abilities, and if it's all just a ruse to talk to lots of girls. We're onto you, buddy! ::
^ Wonders about his jazz-playing abilities, and if it's all just a ruse to talk to lots of girls. We're onto you, buddy! ::