The beach...


Well-known member
I'm going to be going to the beach in a couple days and I was wondering if anyone else is very insecure with their body in public??

I'm really anxious of going to the beach...


Well-known member
Just do your thing. I'm sure when you go and see everyone else, you'll realize that not everyone looks like a model and chances are most people won't be judging you at all.


Well-known member
I know what you mean. My body's okay/average-looking, but I have stupid tattoos on my torso, so it's kind of a hang-up of mine as well. Just keep your shirt on whenever possible, I guess.
Iron Hammer

Ahh The Beach.I just wear clothes like in the water, and on land of course. I know it looks really weird, and probably stupid, but who cares. I also know that in doing so, it probably just attracts more attention to yourself, but that isn't the point. The point is covering up so no one can see what you're trying to hide.


Well-known member
Yep. This is why I'm in the gym 4 hours a week and jogging every few days. Well, half the reason anyway.


I dont know what people do in beaches. I've never gone alone but I'd imagine I would just go there.. and walk around alone. maybe lie down alone in the sand take some sun. I wouldn't even go in the water because I don't really like the dirty beaches over here. and besides I would look like a weirdo alone in the water. like an old man or child, but I'm
neither. I don't usually approach people as that might look stalkerish or creepy. Especially with women. I wouldn't walk over to them. But if they are in my vicinity, and they look over to me and our eyes meet. Well.. that's about as far as it might go, I might raise my eyebrows and try to smile.

I used to be real fat, so I wold wear a shirt to go into the water. I've never been skinny enough to feel comfortable with my shirt off though.


Well-known member
Yes, it's really hard for me going to the beach when it's so crowded. It just makes me feel really vulnerable walking around in a swimsuit. However, I try not to let it stop me from enjoying myself and having a good time. Most of the things we worry so much about is all in our head. It's just so hard to get those obsessive, nagging thoughts out of our mind.


Well-known member
Last year while on vacation with some friends, we were sitting at the hotel pool. I saw probably one of the hottest and most attractive women I've ever seen in my life. She had an amazing body. I, of course, am not fat or skinny. KInd of in between, but not really too toned. Just average. After trying not to directly stare at her all day, I"m sure she knew we were, since she probably gets that a lot. I decided to swim towards her part of the pool. Of course once I got to her part, she immediately got out of the pool. Then the next day we saw her there again. I thought when I walked by her pool chair, I'd smile and try to at least make eye contact. Of course, as I walked by she began tying her hair up with her eyes closed and head down. Epic fail!

Don't know why I wrote that, I guess just cause the thread reminded me of it.
I used to be fine taking off my shirt, but now my stomach is fat so I dont want anyone looking. Oh, but I dont like even swimming in the beach anymore. So might as well just wear something light and stay clothed.