Please forgive me for the title. I just came back after going to the pub with some people after work. It was enough people that they were sat on a few tables. I sat there like an idiot on one for one and a half hours until I gave up and came home. I said nothing. Yes at first I was scared, but even after I got a little more comfortable, nothing happened. It's more than 'getting me out of my shell.' I have no ability to join in conversations. It's like part of my brain has been lopped off and I just don't have the function to do it, however hard I try. The same as it's always been. Even having the couple of people that I know slightly there didn't help. It's not just about confidence because when I went I had no trouble standing up and asking to take a photo with the person whose leaving do it was. I thought this would get easier. This is not going to get easier. Please tell me what to do because I don't have any more ideas. Help.