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I just got back from a workmates leaving do.....and it went horribly.....I really didn't want to go, and I usually avoid these work parties....but the guy who was leaving seemed to really want me to be there so I said I'd go, and I don't like to go against my word, even though I've never been less in the mood for a party than today. Anyway, on the way to the pub I was on my bike and I bumped into a load of them heading there too....and argh, i was just in such a weird mood....I just soooo didn't wanna be there and I felt so out of place....like an alien.....so passive....I just stood there and answered their interregations...."why are you riding your bike?", "Where's your helmet?" "are you gonna bail on us again?" "do you even know where the pub is?"....I eventually got away and met them at the pub....it started ok....mainly cause there were some nice people that welcomed me and talked to me....but then half way through the night another crowd of people joined our table and suddenly I found myself sandwiched between two groups but both kinda had their backs turned to me and I was stuck in the middle not really talking to anyone, like a massive loner.....I felt so awkward....catching peoples eyes, just waiting for that look from someone....that "why are you weird?" look.....I couldn't think of anything to say.....I felt so weak and useless and inferior, like there must be something significantly wrong with me......and then a girl next to me said "why are you so quiet?"...which I just kinda shrugged my shoulders at......
....eventually, after only being there 45 minutes, I thought that's long enough, at least I've shown my face.....and I said goodbye to the guy whose leaving do it was....and he seemed pretty shocked.....I felt so guilty....I knew it was rude to leave so early.....and I knew he didn't believe my excuse for having to leave....even though it was the truth.....but I just ummed and erred my way out of there.....I almost made a break for it then realised it's probably massively rude not to say goodbye to the main group of people, so I went back in the pub and said goodbye to them and they seemed REALLY shocked! They were all like "WHAT?!?! You're leaving already?" I said I had to get up early and they were all like "so do we!"...again I just shrugged and hurried out of there.....and I'm sure they all think very lowly of me now....maybe rightly so....I'm not sure.....I mean, I don't think lowly of any of them.....even though I could name many of their faults and weaknesses too.....cause I know how hard life is and how easily messed up people can get....
but now I'm home....feeling very sorry for myself and wondering if I'm a bad person.....Do I bring this all on myself? Am I to blame for being like this or is it the chemicals in my brain's fault? Did I do anything wrong tonight?
I dunno....anyway.....just venting....no replies expected.....[unless you'd like to]
....eventually, after only being there 45 minutes, I thought that's long enough, at least I've shown my face.....and I said goodbye to the guy whose leaving do it was....and he seemed pretty shocked.....I felt so guilty....I knew it was rude to leave so early.....and I knew he didn't believe my excuse for having to leave....even though it was the truth.....but I just ummed and erred my way out of there.....I almost made a break for it then realised it's probably massively rude not to say goodbye to the main group of people, so I went back in the pub and said goodbye to them and they seemed REALLY shocked! They were all like "WHAT?!?! You're leaving already?" I said I had to get up early and they were all like "so do we!"...again I just shrugged and hurried out of there.....and I'm sure they all think very lowly of me now....maybe rightly so....I'm not sure.....I mean, I don't think lowly of any of them.....even though I could name many of their faults and weaknesses too.....cause I know how hard life is and how easily messed up people can get....
but now I'm home....feeling very sorry for myself and wondering if I'm a bad person.....Do I bring this all on myself? Am I to blame for being like this or is it the chemicals in my brain's fault? Did I do anything wrong tonight?
I dunno....anyway.....just venting....no replies expected.....[unless you'd like to]