Thank you spw :)


Well-known member
thanks to everyone here, you guys are awesome. i've only had this account a few days and already feel amazing about my SA and not so alone :)
ps, Brezi is my real name lol


Well-known member
I know how you feel. When I first found this place, I was relieved to learn that I wasn't just some screwed up human anomaly. I'm still screwed up, but the burden of being alone is no longer there. ;)

Despite the initial awkwardness, the people here are a pretty decent lot.

On second thought, it's difficult to tell by an internet post if someone is wearing any clothes. So maybe there are some immodest users who are too modest to let us in on their secrets? :confused:


Well-known member
:) I'm glad u feel amazing now because u found SPW. Spw is helpful not feel alone because here is a lot of understanding people. I'm happy i found it place. This place soon become your addiction believe me. I'm now addicted on Spw i met her so much nice souls that's blessing for all of us that we had possibility meet each other. I'm glad i find mine second home here =}


Well-known member
I feel the same way. This is a really great site. I'm still kinda awkward when I post stuff but everyone here is really nice :)


Well-known member
Glad to have ya, Brezi and you are giving back big time too, love your threads and always well thought responses.


Active member
thanks to everyone here, you guys are awesome. i've only had this account a few days and already feel amazing about my SA and not so alone :)
ps, Brezi is my real name lol

I was just looking for a thread to post a thank you, so thank YOU :D

Just want to reiterate what Brezi has said....
All I had to do was google "I dont fit in" and SPW was right there to help. I didnt even know such a thing as SA existed 'til a few days ago and thought I was just a social outcast. Even though Ive only been on here a few days, I now have hope that life can get better, like a weight has been lifted. I have a place to talk to people that know what Ive been going through. Im no longer alone.

Thank you so much SPW.... I dont know what the future would've been like without this site.