Texts/Online versus real life


Well-known member
I was wondering how others on here felt about this and relate.

I have a couple of friends, but still I can't completely open up and relate to them in real life. Also I can't really speak my mind at times. Whereas I find that texting I say A LOT more than I usually would. Also get into a couple arguments at times, not a lot - just two recently. But, online and texts I can practically say everything.

Down side to this, and the part that's really is unbearable is I know I'm inside here somewhere, just I can't bring it out in person. If I merge the two - I could definitely go through things better.
I can relate. I started a 'Trouble Speaking' thread a few days ago that is similar to this. In person, I'm usually poor at eloquently saying everything that comes to mind. At times, I even draw a complete blank when I have to respond to something - even though I know what to say deep down! I can write everything smoothly, though.


Well-known member
I think I'm better with texts then in person. I can jump into conversations much easier online then in real life. Most anxiety and mental walls go away seem to go away online


Super Moderator
I can relate. I fear I will never get to talk properly in person as I do online... In real life I can't voice my thoughts because nothing comes out, I speak nonsense. Online I have no major difficulties. Yes, I get very nervous, my speech fails often due to my lack of social skills, but it's not the same, I can actually talk. In real life I'm terrible at that.