Talking to receptionists


Does anyone hate talking to receptionists or making phone calls or is this unique to me? Before doing it I try to figure out what im gonna say exactly over and over in my mind and before i make a call i might also get this crazy panicky rush in my gut. I avoid doing these thing as much as possible. Calling a friend (when I had friends) is alright, just when calling strangers ::(:
I do the exact same thing .. but i also write it down in a paper before i make the call :$
the good thing though is that they can't se me, thank god.


Well-known member
In the past if it's an important call to arrange something with somebody I don't know, like say an interview for something, then I'll make some notes on paper outlining the important things I need to bring up in the conversation. I even write things down in the order that I want to say them. It normally works, but I still get anxious about it quite a bit. I can handle phone calls easyish, but sometimes I can sort of slur my words a little. When I start doing this (to me) it becomes more noticeable, but when I've bought it up with people, they've never noticed it. I'm sometimes conscious, but it's not overly bad either.


New member
I'm totally the opposite, for some reason I only find it hard to talk with people on a one to one basis. I guess it's because I feel I don't have to impress doctors, nurses, receptionists, dentists etc. I even end up flirting if I like the girl, it's almost like thats how I'm meant to be in real life! lol But a date! Even thinking about it makes me nervous. You're not weird though, there's all sorts of social phobia I guess :)


Well-known member
Does anyone hate talking to receptionists or making phone calls or is this unique to me? Before doing it I try to figure out what im gonna say exactly over and over in my mind and before i make a call i might also get this crazy panicky rush in my gut. I avoid doing these thing as much as possible. Calling a friend (when I had friends) is alright, just when calling strangers ::(:

I sure do! I also really hate going into a cafe and having to point out what you want to eat while there are loads of people behind you waiting for their turn. I guess it's just the whole focus on 'me' i hate! I had to go to the doctors the other day and instead of me saying why i was there at the reception i relied on my mum to say, which was just as embarrassing to be honest lol! Phone calls too, oh dear, awful. ::eek::


I do the exact same thing .. but i also write it down in a paper before i make the call :$
the good thing though is that they can't se me, thank god.

I'm going to try this from now on. When I make calls all the information in my head gets jumbled up and I either tend to forget something and leave it out altogether or I'll say everything in some nonsensical order that just confuses whoever I'm calling.


Well-known member
I sure do! I also really hate going into a cafe and having to point out what you want to eat while there are loads of people behind you waiting for their turn. I guess it's just the whole focus on 'me' i hate! I had to go to the doctors the other day and instead of me saying why i was there at the reception i relied on my mum to say, which was just as embarrassing to be honest lol! Phone calls too, oh dear, awful. ::eek::

I used to get a bit edgy where I'd have to queue for things, I still get it now sometimes. Not all the time though, but it's there. If I were to be queuing for anything, and especially if it took a while like I was holding the line up, I'd get some anxiety symptoms where I felt uncomfortable. Now I'm more chilled out about it, I feel better when I'm with other people though.