Talkative but nervous, deadly combo!


Is anyone else able to talk, but still has extreme s/a?

I feel alot of the time like "larry david" from curb your enthusiasm. Its like most people get p*ssed off with me, and get fed up.

Its like i can talk a bit like the "social" people. I dont fit in with their lifestyle. But i have always been too talkative for quiet people.

Its so frustrating being isolated, not having people to talk to, feeling like i am saying too much and that people dont care what i say.


Well-known member
I know what you mean. I'm quite good with talking and seeming normal, but I do find that sometimes I'll say something that's inappropriate. Like I might make an out of place double-entendre, or I'll make fun of someone else in a situation where I really shouldn't. Then there's always the possibility that I stutter or goof up my speech somehow (which happens occasionally when I'm nervous).
There were two girls who were twins at my old high school. One was quiet and withdrawn. The other one was super talkative; she was an extremely fast talker and you could sense her nervousness. So apparently both of them has had the shy, neurotic gene / environment but it's manifesting in different ways


It seems that happen to me last week , we should not make fun of some things which we have not to , after that we think i must not do that , it nature of many people....


Well-known member
I feel you. Even when my SA kicks in really badly, I still talk. It seems to ease the pressure. The awkward silences are what get me. I just try to focus on what the other people are talking about. Take some deep deep breaths.

Lorraine Manca

Well-known member
90% of the time im not talkative, but if a subject comes up that i like, its all over. I get way too chatty and have to reel myself in. I get too intense and excited about very specific things. Its best to keep a lid on it for me. id hate to bore people. faithnomore, maybe you could write your thoughts down, maybe in a blog, something like that. or maybe you could create a comfortable silence by saying "let me think", and just look to the side to gather your thoughts before you speak. I think it would benefit everyone if there were plenty of generous breaks of silence in conversations. Everyone needs time to process and digest what the other people are saying or else there's no point in having a conversation at all. It happens all the time, you want to have a debate for fun, the back and forth starts, and then the person inevitably says something that clues you in that they arent playing the same game, they are laying out a pre-prepared argument, not a dialogue because things are moving too fast for dialogue. At best you get them spitting mad. sa or no sa, most people cant do dialogue. You notice how books from ye olden days are written in what seems like a very verbose and tedious way? once telephones became mainstream, it changed communication. thats what i heard. at some point talk became less precise and there was less forethought. also, silence is a lot more noticeble and uncomfortable on the phone than it is in person because the voice is the only evidence of the other person's presence. so you can see where silence would get squeezed out. speaking of being talkative, im so sorry for rambling!
90% of the time im not talkative, but if a subject comes up that i like, its all over. I get way too chatty and have to reel myself in. I get too intense and excited about very specific things. Its best to keep a lid on it for me.

haha, i do the same thing, and i'm sure it freaks people out. i'm trying to learn to slow down and not overload people so much. :)


Well-known member
LOL I love Larry! Sometimes when I'm nervous and having a conversation with someone,
It's like I don't have a filter on my mouth and I just say whatever comes into my head,so yeah, I think I understand you.


Well-known member
"I'm the coolest guy to hand around", thts wat ppl always say when im with them...I'm very good at makin ppl laugh nd also a very caring nd understanding person, i almost always start conversations nd make ppl feel comfortable....But the fu*kin fact remains tht i'm so nervous in the inside tht i feel exhausted after awhile, but most of the time nobody notices cuz i look like im very relaxed :mad:


Well-known member
Talking is one of those things I can never do in the right amount. Im either like a machine gun with my ideas and then going off the track and then off that track on a different tangent to the last idea which was already ridiculous enough. But sometimes I cant help myself talk about blending radioactive cannibalistic mongooses/ mongeese ya-da-da ya-da-da. Or I can just as often be the polar opposite being near mute or just an occasional "yeh", "ah-huh", "sure". Im not sure which scenario is worst, they both seem to attract stares as if you were half-mad.