Taking the bus/train, how about you guys?

Hey there,

Today I was sitting in the car, and a bus drived by, everyone was staring at me,
And I thought wow.. I'll NEVER ever take a bus anymore.
Do you guys also feel the same about this?

I feel more safe in a train, cuz there the seats are separated,
but in buss.. aaah soo close sitting to other people.

I'm wondering if there are more people who've got this


Well-known member
Yes, I hate the bus; sometimes I'm forced to take it or else I'll be late to my classes (my university has a park-and-bus setup). I always feel everybody staring at me, especially right when I get on the bus.


Staff member
Buses and trains are OK with me as in the UK all seats usually don't face each other.

I know what you mean though, I was in Amsterdam on the trams and everyone faces you :/


Well-known member
Yep me too! i go bright red as well, then convince myself they are thinking "what a weirdo" which makes me go even more red. Lol!


haha I havent been on a bus or train in about 14yrs!!!....couldnt pay me ANY amount to get on one!

even if there was an empty bus or empty train with no one ever getting on I still couldnt do it
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Well-known member
I'm usually more afraid to ride the bus in case someone talks to me or in case it's crowded. I hate having to sit next to people. Sometimes, I even have to stand up when there are no seats left & that's the only time I feel like people are staring at me. (That's probably because they are.)


yeah some days ill get ready to go to town and ill sit in my house thinking about what im gonna do ill go over walking to the bus and waiting for it then what im gonna say and how im gonna pay its stupid and ill pace around the house for hours thinking about it then it gets too much and i just say f*** it and go back on my computer. SUCKS..