Suicidal Thoughts


Well-known member
playthepsychedelic said:
I'm sorry
I had a bad day... it was really childish of me to react this way. I didn't mean it that way.
No problem my friend. You seem like a nice person.


I think a lot of people, including myself, have been MISLED.
A lot of people who mention God, got the idea from someone who came before them--family, church, older people around them...
Now, if something is totally TRUTHFUL, shouldn't it be visible to a person?

I think there is a God, but God is not in the form that has been described by religions.

There were some people who taught me what they thought about God, earlier in my life and up until recently, and I think they DID have good intentions...but I don't think they know what's going on. They don't know better.

How is an unknowable God any use? Individuals have a lot of power, and each individual should look inside themselves more.

SO MANY people, act like they're living for someone ELSE's life! Your life is YOURS!

I think it's very important to QUESTION EVERYTHING.

Sorry if I'm rambling. I just wanted to express some things that maybe other people haven't thought about yet.


Yes I think the universe was "created," but I also think a person's life is THEIRS. Worshipping something outside of you seems to me to be a dead-end.

I have thought of suicide frequently in the past. But the one time when I got very close to doing it, I couldn't bear it. I couldn't make myself do it. I didn't feel it was worth the pain I would imagine I would feel (physically).

I've thought in the past, if I could do it like just pressing a button, and it just happens, I might consider doing it more. But, I've never been presented with that option, so I don't know how I'd actually react. I don't think most unhappy people would actually be able to go through with it.

I mostly just would like to have the option to go somewhere else, like going through a doorway into another room, or changing the channel on a television from a show you don't like...
I don't actually want to die, because I have a bit of a feeling that it's nice to be alive--even though circumstances, events, and the occurrences of various negative feelings in my mind have been unpleasant for me.


Well-known member
I would have killed myself 10x over if i didnt love my mother so much. Im so close to the edge right now. Im missing out on life no parties. friends,i cant even hold a conversation with my family or even my sister and mom, Life sucks, i have no humor, i missed out on highschool so i dont know how to socialize with people or interact,It sucks to see people having fun, and talking about their experiences, Even though i am only 17 now.(just starting college and obtained a ged. Im ready to go i cant stand to think of myself having a miserable future. But for most people i feel suicide is just an easy escape for them. Theyll hold it in the back of their head just so for that reason


Well-known member
Argamemnon said:
krs2snow said:
No, I don't. I never really have either. Felt really down but no, nothing to the point of ending myself. I think it's immoral. I really do. Along w/INCREDIBLY, UNBELIEVABLY, HORRIFYINGLY selfish & self-absorbed.
If you experienced the same amount of mental pain some of us have to endure you would be more understanding. The pain I feel is unbearable, my belief in God is the only reason that I don't commit suicide. If I were an atheist I seriously wouldn't wait a second. Even though I love my parents, I wouldn't even hesitate. I hope you can at least imagine how much pain I have. Obviously, the pain I feel is not the same as your pain. Like I said, it's my fear of God, my fear of punishment which is preventing me, nothing else..

Hey Argememnon. I truly am sorry for the pain ur feeling & I know it can be hard.

I think much of our mental anguish is brought upon ourselves BY ourselves. & I've noticed on this site that many people seem to blame everyone else for how they're feeling. I just shake my head. No one can Make us feel any sort of way. It is Us, and only Us, that makes Us feel as we do.

Aside from that, who's to say I haven't experienced as much mental pain as you or anyone else on this site? I think I've had this discussion on here b/4 and the fact remains U can't measure- in quantifiable terms- someones pain. So, comparison is obsolete.

I Can say that my choosing not to commit suicide does Not mean I haven't experienced pain. What it Does mean is that I choose to look for an Actual, Viable Solution to my situation instead of wasting my time & energy imagining & fantasizing about committing suicide- which I will never do (& statistically, most of us on here will never do).

Even though I love my parents, I wouldn't even hesitate.

Can u imagine & comprehend the pain & suffering ur parents would feel if u killed urself? Please don't try the "They don't really care about me" bit either. B-cuz they're ur parents. They care. Weather u believe it or not.

Pretend, for example, you are your mother. Imagine being her. How would she feel finding you dead? How would the days, weeks, months & years after finding you affect her? How would it affect ur dad? Or ur brother? Or Ur grandmother? Ur sister? Ur friend? Ur counselor? Ur tutor? Ur priest? Ur swimming coach? Ur neighbor? Ur cousin? Ur best friend? Ur aunt? Ur classmate? Ur grandpa? Ur uncle? Ur fuckin' goldfish??
And THEN, think about this. How would these peoples lives affect people They are in contact with? Like your mother, for example. How would her finding U dead affect her boss? Her co-workers? Her friends? Her workout buddy? How would ur death affect ur dad's boss? His co-workers? His friends? His drinkin' buddies or his bowling mate? How would ur death affect the people ur granny knows? How would it affect her friends? Her relatives that u don't even know so well? Or the gals at the hair salon? How would ur death affect ur sister? Her husband? Her children? Her children's friends? The list goes on and on.

They say we are ALL only 7 people away from knowing one another. Think of that!! 7 fuckin people! Don't u think- when u see how it affects sooo many people- it's UNBELIEVABLY selfish & immoral to talk about killing urself?!


Well-known member
krs2snow said:
Can u imagine & comprehend the pain & suffering ur parents would feel if u killed urself? Please don't try the "They don't really care about me" bit either. B-cuz they're ur parents. They care. Weather u believe it or not.

Pretend, for example, you are your mother. Imagine being her. How would she feel finding you dead? How would the days, weeks, months & years after finding you affect her? How would it affect ur dad? Or ur brother? Or Ur grandmother? Ur sister? Ur friend? Ur counselor? Ur tutor? Ur priest? Ur swimming coach? Ur neighbor? Ur cousin? Ur best friend? Ur aunt? Ur classmate? Ur grandpa? Ur uncle? Ur fuckin' goldfish??
And THEN, think about this. How would these peoples lives affect people They are in contact with? Like your mother, for example. How would her finding U dead affect her boss? Her co-workers? Her friends? Her workout buddy? How would ur death affect ur dad's boss? His co-workers? His friends? His drinkin' buddies or his bowling mate? How would ur death affect the people ur granny knows? How would it affect her friends? Her relatives that u don't even know so well? Or the gals at the hair salon? How would ur death affect ur sister? Her husband? Her children? Her children's friends? The list goes on and on.

They say we are ALL only 7 people away from knowing one another. Think of that!! 7 fuckin people! Don't u think- when u see how it affects sooo many people- it's UNBELIEVABLY selfish & immoral to talk about killing urself?!
Undoubtedly, such comments are coming from people who aren't suffering as much as those who contemplate suicide. If you suffer so much that you seriously want to die, you don't even have the energy to think about other people and how your death may affect them. That's irrelevant for suicidal people, and has nothing to do with being selfish. It just shows the level of desperation, pain and suffering.

ps: 20% of depressed people attempt suicide and 10% succeed. It's not rare at all. Those who do commit suicide are severe cases. I'm one of them, but haven't yet killed myself, which is a miracle.


krs2snow said:
sometimes yeah, and saying suicide is immoral reeks of ignorance,but that's people! so i can't blame ya really...
Yea. & talkin 'bout committing suicide is just oozing intelligence, but that's people! so I can't blame ya really...

this comment is retarded, I really do. Along w/INCREDIBLY, UNBELIEVABLY, HORRIFYINGLY selfish & self-absorbed. :wink:


Well-known member
I always thought about my family,thats why I dont do it,but lately I have been thinking,its not fair either for me to feel like I feel,be treated like I am either for the rest of my life,their pain will pass with time,mine wont,I kinda look diferent than others,I was the nicest boy you could ever meet,now I dont like of what I have become because of this,if I do it I will make sure it looks like an accident.


Well-known member
If you suffer so much that you seriously want to die, you don't even have the energy to think about other people and how your death may affect them. That's irrelevant for suicidal people, and has nothing to do with being selfish. It just shows the level of desperation, pain and suffering.

Along the same line of thinking- if I drink soo much that I want to die & then I get behind the wheel of a car, should I NOT be held responsible for my actions? Because, A). I was shit-faced & heck!- I felt like I wanted to die!? And B). I didn't have the energy to think about other people & how MY actions may affect them!?

Yes, drinking is a conscious choice. So is suicide! When drunk- ur not in the right state of mind. When suicidal- ur not in the right state of mind. What's the difference, really? Do people say "He was just drunk. He didn't mean to hurt his family. He didn't mean to ruin the lives of so many other people. He just wanted to die." ?

No, they don't. Just like they Don't say "He was just suicidal. He didn't mean to hurt his family. He didn't mean to ruin the lives of so many other people. He just wanted to die."

Different circumstances-> same scenario-> equally wrong.

Volaju- ur retarded.


Well-known member
Argamemnon said:
I disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.

Well, given the topic, that may not be too long from now, right? But, cool.


Well-known member
I seem to have them few to several times a week. They just come up, later they just die down. I always seem to have weird mood swings or something, it gets kinda annoying, pisses me off, and therefore makes it worse. Anybody know why or what it is?


Well-known member
ok this is a message for all the people who suffer from frequent and very serious suicide thoughts. I think I can honestly say about all the aspects of suicide, that I've been there, done that. I've had countless days my social phobia made me believe the only way out was suicide. I've done my best taking an overdose of sedative pills (triazolam+ clotiazepam), but somehow, I f*cking got away with that. After EACH ONE of these suicide moments, NO MATTER HOW BAD THE SITUATION I WAS IN, there was always this one thought going through my head : "thank god I'm still alive" . I lived these desperate moments in the true believe that I was the one person on this earth that wasn't supposed to be born, in the believe that these 600000000(0) people on this earth were waaaaay better than me, and that I had no function at all on this planet. exactly. however you are feeling right now, how bad and miserable and suicidal, I had that feeling too. truly. and many other suicide-attempters too. realize that. realize that I want to be alive. My SA situation still sucks. It has been worse, but it still sucks. and I still am sooo happy I didn't kill myself. and you will be too. believe me. please please please, I know what's going through your head, you think I'm just the next person trying to convince you with meaningless words, but I'm not. accept that as a fact. I know you are gonna feel better. whoever you are. so please,please,please, don't do it. read the other post on this forum about suicide too, most of them are usefull.please. don't do it. suicide is an illusion. it's the illusion of things never getting better. you have to see through that illusion.

:? drifted of a little bit, I'm sorry. I just want to help...I hope I can...


Well-known member
Ericisme said:
I seem to have them few to several times a week. They just come up, later they just die down. I always seem to have weird mood swings or something, it gets kinda annoying, pisses me off, and therefore makes it worse. Anybody know why or what it is?
same here. I think its a part of the SA/ depression. another (clinical) explanation would be bipolar.


New member
Yeah I do, off and on for probably over a year now, and I hate the fact that I even consider it because it would be so selfish and so unexpected to basically everyone who knows me.

I came to college this semester and things have been a lot different than back in high school. I joined a frat basically because I felt like I couldn't make friends here any other way, and while I've met a few pretty close friends because of it, I'm still awkward as shit around the people I don't feel comfortable around. Worse than that people make fun of me to my face for my SA and call me mildly autistic and stuff like that. They say they're only joking and trying to help me get the motivation to get over it, but in reality it only hurts my already really low self confidence a lot.

I feel like I should have a great life, I go to the second best school in the nation for my major, girls approach me a fair amount for some reason(I can never hold a good conversation with them though and I probably come off as not interested although I definitely am), and my family is awesome and really supportive of me always, but I feel like I'm messing it all up because I'm really shy and can pretty much only talk to a select few people I know well and even then everything feels kind of superficial, I could never really open up to most of them. I hate it and I can only hope that things get better in the future because I can honestly say I hate my life right now.