Suddenly leaving.


I always suddenly leave from a social situation.
Like when I'm @ a birthday party I try to escape.
Today I was cycling with my grandma, and she wanted to go to a store,
I said ''Sorry .. but I gotta go.. I go to house''
And she said Sas.. no..
I felt so guilty and sorry for it ::(: But I HAD to go.
I failed again.

Do you guys have this problem too?
or do you force yourself to stay?
Sometimes I stay, and then I feel much better.
But sometimes I feel just too anxious.


Well-known member
If i'm with a lot of people that i know then i will try and force myself to stay because i can surround myself with them and kind of ignore what else is going on around me. But if i'm in a strange situation on my own then i will run away as fast as i can if i start to feel panicky, then i'll get home and regret it :rolleyes:


sometimes i have this problem in school

you can stay face to face to this situation and in your mind says for yourself that other people are stupid and i am great person (in something). For me it works. :D

i hope that you understand, despite of my bad english.

you are pretty girl, so use it!


I usually have this problem when I'm at family gatherings. I have no idea why I don't do the same with friends, but there have been a few times where I've left family cookouts hours early. I feel so out of place with them sometimes. :/

Well-known member
Yeah I get that too. Like if I'm out at a big social gathering - pub or somewhere, and there's too many people, I sometimes dart off without telling anyone. Problem is it can make people think your just rude.


Well-known member
I've done this at school many times but in terms of social gatherings I can stick it through. If I dread going somewhere I won't put myself in that awkward position in the first place.


Well-known member
i dont go most of the time , im slowly turning into a hermit , dunno why .... but im going to be forced out of it soon , prob a good thing , left to my own devices id prob turn into a hermit full stop ....


Well-known member
i do this sometimes at parties, i'll walk away somewhere and pretend im on my phone, because it gets very overwhelming amongst cliques, sometimes its so overwhelming you can freak out a little internally...i know what you mean, just do the best you can..


Well-known member
Yeah, Im pretty well known for disappearing. I'll just randomly leave parties and head back home. Also, since my band plays alot of shows, one minute I'll be there, than bam, I'm gone. Of course I leave after we play lol.


Well-known member
When I disappear or try to escape I'm usually good about it.
I'll say that I'm not feeling well so will be in the toilet or something. Or I'll go find some area that seems to have the least people and try to calm down.
If I am trapped and there seems to be no way to either leave or get left alone, I usually then start to have a panic attack.
Its why 95% of the time I just stay at home... in my room. Even though I still have panic attacks, I can at least force myself into sleeping to hopefully calm down using a heat pack to calm my tense muscles.