Strength of Spirit


Active member
I am dismayed by the number of people on HH forums, this one included, who have no real internal mental fortitude. I know that it has been eroded by a sea of anxiety that batters it constantly - but you must fight back at this.

I am concerned that sufferers of this condition - and I do have it myself, so I understand the suffering - are relying too much on drugs the efficacy of which we know not only varies from person to person, but can abandon one with time.

What is needed is a quietism, a stoic detachment and inner calm from the storm. This is incredibly difficult, and perhaps impossible to achieve completely (persons throughout history have been climbing mountains in search of it for millennia), but it can be a great help, one that will never abandon you, a palliative with no side effects that you know will always work - because it IS you.

I have noted two other user in particular (and I'm sure there are more) on this forum who I believe think this way and want to be this way, and have the strength to do so. mattbarneswillkillu has a thread titles "Attitude is Everything," and he is absolutely correct. He also has an interesting conversation going with Mozart22. I praise them both for their inspiring efforts and flag theirs as the right path. Hats off, gentlemen.

How long are we going to rely on Robinul? Odaban? Drysol? And any other treatment without forging a strength that is unassailable? People want mountains in their path to climb, challenges are important to a life because the view from the summit is unforgettable. THIS is our mountain; our weakness is our strength.

Blah, blah, New Age bull****. No. This is not bull****. There is a strong tradition, in both eastern and western religions, mysticism, philosophy, etc., that if what you want causes pain, you train yourself to want something else. We are focusing far too much on stopping the sweat, on being dry. What we need is to accept it as a part of our nature, to stop fighting against it. It is only a problem because we make it so. We are not in pain from this condition, we are not prevented from doing things that others do. If we refuse to see it as a problem then the problem disappears.

I sympathise with those who are shaking their heads and saying, Easy to say, hard to do. I am nodding my head and grinning. Yes, easy to say and hard to do, I will be the first to agree with you. But what easy thing ever brought one comfort? We have been placed at the foot of the mountain that others spend their lives just trying to find. Furthermore, just by living through every day we are scaling it. Imagine the strength of spirit that you will achieve! What else, when you are dealing with this struggle, when you are facing it, teeth bared in defiance and daring it, DARING IT! to do worse - what else, I ask again, could touch a soul such as that?

I am not advocating tossing the drugs aside completely, but I do encourage you to embrace the self-content man of Stoic philosophy. The self-content man is one who desires friends [analogous here with treatments] but can do without them, said Seneca (more of less). He is self-content, he needs no drugs because he has his own reason, his own soul, that which makes him human and cannot possibly be bruised unless he wills it. Do this. Make it a daily habit. Wake up in the morning and tell yourself that there is nothing that can bring you low unless you allow it.

There are a number of ways to do this, and in an effort to help you find them, I will be posting a maxims/observations here in this thread every Sunday for the next few months, in no particular order. I hope it all helps you, but even just a single sentence, a simple phrase, can become a mantra to pull you up that cliff-face.

1 - Reacquaint yourself with "positive" sweating.

If you are anything like me you will have spent most of your time seeing sweat as something to be avoided at all costs, and the frustration that comes with the sweat is demoralizing. I believe that this has created an imbalance. For too long sweat at any time has been a bad thing. Lately, however, I have been going to the gym with the sole intention of sweating as much as I can in an environment where it is "okay" to do so, where it is acceptable. I think this is important because it can help to redress that skewed perception that sweat is always bad and hopefully help to cope with the "abnormal" sweat. See the gym as a community of fellow sufferers, if you like, a place where you can go to feel "normal," where your sweating is accepted. If nothing other than a general increase in fitness and health is achieved, this too is nothing to turn away from. A physically healthier person is a mentally healthier person, a more relaxed person and, consequently, a drier person. Can't afford the gym? Just go jogging! The point is to establish set times when you exercise to the point where you are well-drenched, and recognise that it is so because you chose it to be so, because you wanted to be, and that it's okay. This will work best with more people around. Let me know how you get along.

P.S. - I encourage others to post in this thread their tips exclusively for inner toughness of spirit. This is NOT a thread for new treatments pertaining to drugs or HH products.

P.P.S. - Again, mattbarneswillkillu and Mozart22, I congratulate and encourage you, sirs.
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I can equate.My doctor offered me Robinul? only the other day.I said no,I said "I'm going to fight a bear to get better"

And I will.


Active member
I can equate.My doctor offered me Robinul? only the other day.I said no,I said "I'm going to fight a bear to get better"

And I will.

Nice. Though, if the Robinul helps, it's not a bad option. The important thing is that you can stand on your own so that if the drug fails it doesn't cut the ground from beneath your feet.
/\ Exactly the point I was trying to make through humor.

If you reach for euphoria,and it leaves you,without you having learned your limitations,having convinced yourself that you had been spirited beyond them,then you have stockpiled no resources to plunder when the air goes out of your balloon.
What I mean to say is none of us are looking for euphoria,redemption or transformation,we're just looking to go about our daily business unhindered aren't we?.

Special tablet regimes and declarations from mission statements,well couldn't that be exactly the kind of thing that's stopping us from easing back into feeling happily anonymous and at home among the normal?


Well-known member
A wise person once said, "If you have an itch, scratch it." Another wise person said, "Don't sweat the small stuff." I tried telling that to my body, and it answered back by sweating. What would the Dali Lama do? SMILE and just be happy! What's a little water dripping from you when others are in a drought?
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Well-known member
We are focusing far too much on stopping the sweat, on being dry. What we need is to accept it as a part of our nature, to stop fighting against it. It is only a problem because we make it so. We are not in pain from this condition, we are not prevented from doing things that others do. If we refuse to see it as a problem then the problem disappears.

Great post, very inspirational. This part is sticking with me.


Active member
Say to yourself each morning: I refuse to let this condition, whose nature is accidental and no reflection on me as a person, determine the colour of my sky.


Active member
I must die. But must I die groaning? I must be imprisoned. But must I whine as well? I must suffer exile. Can any one then hinder me from going with a smile, and a good courage, and at peace? ‘Tell the secret.’ I refuse to tell, for this is in my power. ‘But I will chain you,’ What say you, fellow? Chain me? My leg you will chain – yes, but my will – no, not even Zeus can conquer that.

- Epictetus


New member
This thread is quite extreme but serves a good purpose. It addresses the mental side of these problems which is so important. We can't control our sweating but we can control (or at least slowly change through positive and practical thinking) how we react to our sweating.

Some practical tips for the daily fight:

Learn to think positively. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy really helped me.

Find a cause/a charity/a person to care for, to look after. This not only gives you self worth but also takes the focus away from your own problems.

Similarly, find a hobby/interest to occupy your mind.

Exercise, meditate, stretch. Learn to love and accept your body.

Remember, crying is not being weak. It's healing. Just don't over indulge in it. After a good cry, smile and then laugh at the absurdity of life.

Do not indulge in alcohol and recreational drugs. They may temporarily ease the pain but they erode the spirit. They diminish you and you will be even less able to deal with your problems.

Address your anger at your problems. Don't feel ashamed of your anger but acknowledge it and make an effort to confront it and soothe it with calmness, love and joy. The same with despair. Accept it as a natural reaction. Then fight it daily with all your heart. Don't allow anger and despair to consume you. Replace them with joy and love.

On the next stormy night, when the rain is lashing down and the wind is howling like a beast, run to the top of the nearest hill. As you run search inside yourself for your inner spirit. Find the resolve, the joy, the determination, the love, the acceptance of all life. With all this in your heart raise your head to the heavens and scream AARRRRGGHHHHHH!!! Let out the pain, scream your defiance, laugh heartily in the face of despair, then accept the peace that follows.

Finally, if life was perfectly easy. If there was no challenge in each day. Where is the glory in that? We may suffer more than 'normal' people. But it means we have so much more opportunity to learn and grow.

The daily struggle. Embrace it.


Well-known member
I'd be curious to know how many of the posters on this thread are male and how many are female. My guess would be mostly, if not all, male.

I realize the message is the same - positivity and all that - but I'm just want to point out that it's different for girls. It just is.

Nobody likes sweating alot, but have you ever tried sitting in front of a fan, applying make up while you were sweating it off? Or sitting in front of the air conditioner AND fan as you attempt to blow dry your hair while sweating? Showing up to work or a party or a date looking like a sweaty wilted flower is not a pretty look. People don't look at a sweaty guy and a sweaty girl the same way.

I know it's bad for everyone, not just girls, but it's a smidge worse for us ladies and it can be pretty tough to stay positive. Just sayin'.
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Well-known member
I like the bible talk its nice to believe in a hierarchy. But I'm with Crazy pants I Changed my job from a cabinet maker to a gym instructor due to abuse a received where was the lord and his kind words willing them to stop!!! Quote who you like, believe what you want, but if your one of "us" I use loosely. Who have done all potions,rubs,ointments,positive/cognitive thinking. None of what you've said makes sense any more maybe yrs ago I'd of played ball,but after all that and 2 ETS ops. It's just not happening,I guess I'm on the other side of the fence and want to get people on meds be for they make Crazy decisions. I personally live in a, let's say, physically demanding area where people see something like that you get ate!! I've nearly been imprisoned due to my outrage/fighting with fellow workers due to comments/practical jokes... My course of meds serve me well and have increased my tolerance towards people hopefully I'll be back at work soon. Crazy pants!!! I'm with you and feel your torment hope you find a solution. That's just my view don't hate me for it :-/ you think words heal?? Not The words I hear...


Well-known member
I like the bible talk its nice to believe in a hierarchy. But I'm with Crazy pants I Changed my job from a cabinet maker to a gym instructor due to abuse a received where was the lord and his kind words willing them to stop!!! Quote who you like, believe what you want, but if your one of "us" I use loosely. Who have done all potions,rubs,ointments,positive/cognitive thinking. None of what you've said makes sense any more maybe yrs ago I'd of played ball,but after all that and 2 ETS ops. It's just not happening,I guess I'm on the other side of the fence and want to get people on meds be for they make Crazy decisions. I personally live in a, let's say, physically demanding area where people see something like that you get ate!! I've nearly been imprisoned due to my outrage/fighting with fellow workers due to comments/practical jokes... My course of meds serve me well and have increased my tolerance towards people hopefully I'll be back at work soon. Crazy pants!!! I'm with you and feel your torment hope you find a solution. That's just my view don't hate me for it :-/ you think words heal?? Not The words I hear...

Karl, I'm always interested in your comments because you seem to suffer the way I do. You're a little better at trying to do something about it though - I've just suffered in silence all these years and I've been too embarrassed to even ask my doctor about it! You had 2 operations?? Wow! Did they help at all, or did you feel like it was just a waste of time?


Well-known member
The ops bought me time, like after I had them I was dry for about 3 months. Then it hit like a monsoon Back,chest,sides,stomach,it even effects my face/neck when I eat certain foods now. Never had this problem before my ops, saying all that I can shake hands now whoopee. Now it seems like a waste of time..
I'm one of the lucky ones who only got more sweating and now its hard to focus at times. Some folk have had droopy eye lids,discoloured pupils,its endless the research I've done proves why these ops were band in the country it originated from. Now the docs don't tell you that!!

Bbe I'd go to the docs,, a problem shared is a problem halfed. I know only too well how embarrassed you feel but hey!! When a girls got needs they go for it?? Don't let your embarrassment rule your next step. If you don't want to see them phone them.tell him over the phone at least then if you need to go they may get a plan of meds sorted for you walking through the door?

What have you tried so far??
Thanks to, glad my post/life has meaning to someone else..