Starting Paul McKenna's "I Can Make You Thin"

Hey I plan on losing 4 stone using this. Ill post all my progress up here andweigh myself every two weeks - during this, i want people to ask about my progress- just to keep me motivated and stop me going off track like i always do!

Must throw in the before and after photo's too.

Before: (I'm on the right. I'll actually admit this is a really bad photo of me and i dont ALWAYS look this horrible!)
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Well-known member
What does the book tell you to do? Does he say to excercise or just change your eating habits?
Right! So it all begins tomorrow. Now its time for the oh-so-embarrassing task of putting up my start weight!

Weight: 12st 10.8lb / 81.1kg
Long-Term Target Weight: 9st 7.6lb / 60.6kg
So, I have to lose: 3st 3.2lb / 21.4kg

Crap thats a quarter of the weight i am now!

At least i think thats it! (Maths dyslexic)

Thats a lot but i NEED to lose it. Heart attacks are so not cool...

Gonna go listen to the hypnosis CD now!! :)

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Thats awesome Banvard - listen to what he tells you to do 'cause i've loads of faith in him! Let me know how you get on!


Right just got the new 90 Day success journal. The man deserves my money!
Today is officially day 1 and my task for the day is to visualise myself 90 Days from now, being slimmer and happier and feel as if it's already happened.

I'll need to tick these off during the day too:

- I ate when i was hungry [Y] Starving at times tho thanks to my housemate. :(

- I ate what i really wanted [Y] Out of what I have, yeah...

- I ate consciously [Y] Made me feel full faster!

- I stopped when full [Y] Just about.

- I drank water [Y] 4 pints. Perfection.

- I moved my body [Y] Well, I walked around town...

- I listened to the CD [Y] Twice!

- I did the mirror excercise [N] Haven't read about that yet..

One Positive Thing I noticed today:

Eating slowly definitely makes you full faster - I was full after a burger!

What I'm Looking Forward To tomorrow:



Also I just made a bowl of noodles.
Had a glass of water beforehand, and the flavoured water from the noodles,
(Yeh, I'm weird, i know)..
Now usually there wouldn't be a hope in hell of one pack of noodles filling me,
but i just chewed with my eyes closed - paying attention to nothing but the food in my mouth...
I'm now completely full and i havent even gone through half the bowl!!
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My task for today is to think of someone who inspires me daily. Just to keep me motivated.

Eh... today wasn't my best day. Y'know the way when you're an overweight female with SA and BDD, you dread people seeing you even walk into a kitchen? Well my sisters friends were over. my sister now, is a complete f*cking model and I'm the opposite - People are always sayin' we're soooo different, and it drives me insane. They may as well say "OH-EM-F*CKING-GEE, you and your sister are soooo different. She's a complete stunner and you're a fat mess", 'cos hell, i know thats what they're thinking! She has this one friend, Niamh, who has insulted my weight in the past. My sister then became friends with her, but as far as she knows, we've never met!

Anywho... her friends are in my parents house tonight. I was hungry so went into the kitchen. But every f*cking time i walked into the kitchen, one of her friends walked in, causing me to scatter back into the sitting room, hiding the food. I ended up binging in spite because i felt deprived because i had to avoid the kitchen when they were there... GRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(

Alright here's my day for ye:

- I ate when i was hungry [N] A bit more than that...

- I ate what i really wanted [N] Eh...

- I ate consciously [Y] Kinda!

- I stopped when full [N] Emotional eating and binging.... :( Though i did only eat half my dinner.

- I drank water [Y] A lot!

- I moved my body [N] I didnt look good enough to move..

- I listened to the CD [N] I blew up the computer putting headphones in!

- I did the mirror excercise [N] Not yet..

One Positive Thing I noticed today:

I was full after half my dinner!

What I'm Looking Forward To tomorrow:

Getting everything packed and ready to move house. And eating food i actually like. Ugh... i sound like such a fatty...
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My task for today is to empty my fridge of any food that doesnt 100% inspire me! See if i eat somethin' I'm not mad about ill crave the other food more - and binge to compensate for not having it! Makes sense.

Heres how the day went:

- I ate when i was hungry [Y] Gave in to cravings though...

- I ate what i really wanted [Y] I did!

- I ate consciously [Y] I hope so...

- I stopped when full [Y] Then got hungry 2 minutes later!

- I drank water [N] Completely forgot!

- I moved my body [N] Hiding from my housemate.

- I listened to the CD [Y] First thing this morning and I'm gonna do it again tonight!

- I did the mirror excercise [N] I might try it later if i manage to sneak up to the mirror..

One Positive Thing I noticed today:

I really don't want to give up!

What I'm Looking Forward To tomorrow:

Getting everything packed! (Still havent started)
I know I'm miles off-topic, but good luck with the move Char! Get packing! :)

Cheers Gary - Shes now accusing me of breaking the dryer and forgetting to pay rent loadsa times (I NEVER forgot to pay rent, and the only time the dryer broke i had it fixed - GAHHH!) So I'm gonna frickken enjoy it! :)


Well-known member
For lent I have decided to not eat anything after 8pm. Since I dont eat my breakfast till noon I would generally eat snacks/crap when I sit down at night. Its surprizingly easy and feels great only to eat what I need. Just have to make sure I eat the right amount of calories as I've felt quiet weak when exercise.

Remember nothing tastes sweeter than self control ;)
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For lent I have decided to not eat anything after 8pm. Since I dont eat my breakfast till noon I would generally eat snacks/crap when I sit down at night. Its surprizingly easy and feels great only to eat what I need. Just have to make sure I eat the right amount of calories as I've felt quite weak when exercise.

Remember nothing tastes sweeter than self control ;)

True that! I love the way you've it all worked out - fair play!!

Oh and Just for the record everyone, I havent given up.
Been a wee bit distracted and have had to starve myself (avoiding the housemate) and not eat exactly what i want (my mother is very judgemental about what i eat), and binging (because i couldn't have exactly what i want). Hopefully i can get to a shopping centre soon and buy what i want.

I'll be continuing to update this starting from where i left off!