Starting a new job


Well-known member
I start a new job the following Monday and I'm slowly starting to freak out. I'm glad to finally be somewhere else as I'm totally bored with my current job but since I've been there over 3 years I'm totally used it and to the people that work there.

The manager that hired me is really nice and I already have one acquaintance there (the person that referred me) but I'm worried as I don't know where my desk will be at, how the other people are, how close the bathroom is and things like that. Aaaaaaaaaa 8O


Well-known member
Good work on getting the new job. Sounds like your old one was becomming a bit of a drainer. I know what that's like. I've been in the same job for around the same time. I'm really over it, mostly because the nature of the work is so repetetive and unstimulating. Im somewhat reluctant to move on because im afraid of change and my ability to handle it. that being said though, I have been looking. im at a point where I cant afford not to take a risk on new opportunity.

even though you are venturing into a new work environment, what's the worst you think could happen? just remember we have a tendency to think negatively. Startinf your first day full of worry is just going to fuck you over. try engage in some positive self talk. gl with it all!


Well-known member
Congratulations! :D You'll be fine! Just remember that everyone has been a new person at one point in their life. Take a few deep breaths and repeat ''I'll be fine''


Well-known member
Sure starting a new job makes pretty much anyone nervous but my SA is what has prevented me from even trying to get a new job for a long time.

Just the thought of leaving a place I known for a long time, the desk where I can hide away from other people when I need to, where I know at what times it's okay to go to the break room without having to see anyone else and things like that is where the SA comes in.

Roseycheeks, that's exactly how my current job has become. But my boredom finally got the best of me so I *am* looking forward to it as I think a big change is what I need the most now (even though it's a little less pay and the commute is the same) :D


Well-known member
Well I just completed day 4 at my new job and so far it's going pretty good. I'm as shy and quiet as usual but the people are really nice, which helps. The only thing that sucks is that pretty much everyone is an extrovert and loud so it's easier to stand out. I also hate that my desk is in the front so people are always walking around.

I have had two odd SA moments:

One was when I was sitting down with this coworker (who's a bit of a crab and who comes off as very bitter) watching her work and she had the nerve to ask me "are you always this quiet?" which is one of my biggest pet peeves. I'm new, don't know the system and I don't know anything about this shit, wtf am I suppose to ask? LOL. I just laughed it off. Good thing I inadvertently got back at her the day next day..

The other one was yesterday at the end of the day when I was leaving my coworker on the other side of desk started to clap and said really loudly: "Can we have a round of applause for ______ as he has survived his 3rd day!" Everyone else who was still there started clapping with her.

In my head I was like you f-ing bitch but I just laughed sheepishly, mumbled something and just got the hell out of there. I did start cracking up when I got to my car and wasn't pissed as she's a really nice person, just super LOUD.


Well-known member
Most of the time people wont care if you are quiet especially if you acknowledge them. just a "Hi how are things" or every so often if you walk up and show interest, make a comment then they'll consider somewhat that you are on their side and they'll even consider you a friend in some cases...

situations where you are forced to attend everyday like work for example people are always likely to clash ..its like that smashing pumpkins line "Despite all my rage i am still just a rat in a cage" ..

in my opinion the best working environments are the one where there is alot of freedom and you are not in the same place everyday, they are tricky to find though..