Starting a new job on Monday


Well-known member
I got a phone call this morning to tell me i'm starting my new job as a shop security guard on Monday. I'll be going away for 4 days training.

I'm so nervous i feel like dry heaving, i hate starting in new places::(:


Well-known member
It doesn't feel that way for me, don't get me wrong i've got a job...Great but i just feel dread.


Don't be nervous. You got a JOB. Which means you have more of a life than I'll ever have. I'm jealous. So just go in there and do it :D You'll be great and I'm sure you'll adapt to it quickly and it'll be no sweat. Good luck! (Not that you need it :p)


Well-known member
Wow, a security guard. :) Starting a new job will make anyone nervous, suck in a deep breath and go for it. You'll be great.