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Well I sort of have a hard question. Well I don't really know if its hard, its just hard for me to understand stuff like this. Well if you read before I have deep feelings for this girl who has autism like I do. My question is are there any signs on telling if she likes me or not. Well you see me and my life coach have been working on relationship building not like romance with her right away but friendship building. It's been half a year now and we talk all the time when were around eachother. I will tell some signs my life coach pointed out. Well when we talk she always smiles and laughs, not like the laugh at me but laugh with me. She also sits by me a lot and shares her interests with me. She also likes to take interest in my interests and learn from me. The other night he pointed out that after a play my autism foundation went to that right when the play ended she went straight to me and talked to me. She also introduced me to her aunt and father. Just the other day too I was going out for lunch and my life coach told me to check my phone. He texted me telling me to ask her out to lunch I did and she came out to lunch with me and my life coach. Also a month ago she came bowling with me and most recently she started to talk to me on facebook. I find it hard to read cause well we both don't really know how to express the right feelings and well my life coach points out these little things and I feel excited when I hear them what do you guys think.