Sorry everyone, I was...

hulkamaniak said:
Fairy001, I havent been following your stories/posts . . but do you have SA/SP or are you a pherapist or something, because the logic you use seems like one a person with SA wouldnt carry and if that logic were true you should be able to use that logic to stop having SA

Actually, SA is one of the few psychological disorders that can't be healed just by knowing you have it. You almost always need outside help.

But I'm no expert...


Well-known member
Okay guys, I have clearly upset some people please let me explain myself.

Firstly, I am not a therapist, I suffer with severe mental health problems which effect my confidence socially.

Secondly, Kr2snow, I seem to have made you very angrey by vocalising my friendship with Nikki. I am sorry that you perceive that as "kissing her ass", that is not how I feel about it. We are entitled to be friends with who we choose, and I like Nikki. You write that you are a kind, intelligent and insightful person, I don't dispute this. I am sure both you and Nikki can have some of the same qualities. As for the Lonely thread, I had agreed to differ with you, no blame or hard feelings exists on my part. I read back posts, and Nikki is VERY controversial, but I like that in a person. We are all different , and in my opinion that is a good thing. Towards the end of your post you write that Nikki is far more offensive than you have ever been, I don't see how this relates to me. Just because I like someone does not mean I am answerable for the way others feel about them.

Lastly, the reason I wote a post in defense of Nikki. Other people had suggested that she ought not use this site. I feel with her knowledge it is apt for her to take part. Just my opinion, not fact.

Peace xxx


Well-known member
I'm not angry that you befriended her, Fairy. I'm angry that this keeps going on and on and on and on. I give up. I'm not gonna try to explain anymore.

***waves white flag***


Well-known member
firsty i dont think fairys personal problems have any relavence to the topic, and asking her wether she a theropist or suffer like it makes a difference in wether you will respect her opinion or not??? plus me and fairy still dont agree on eachothers views on suicide, but thats not why we get on, nor does it matter, beyond sa, problems, conditions and opinions we get on as human beings...which yeah does happen ya know! lol

and krs2snow...i think the difference between me and you is yeh i am offensive on broad topic like suicide etc but thats coz 9 times outa 10 my opinion is the minority. your offensive because you personally picked out that indivdual and layed into them about a problem their facing in the daily life. plus all this 'if i woulda known she would leave the forum because of my bullshit' bullshit love, because otherwise you wouldnt of done it. surely if your that intellegant mate you can see future consequences and also it dont take a genius to work out the more sensative people on this site if you just read about, i have to say it dont take a genius to know you would fight back, which is why i have no problem mouthing of to you.

if you do have problems seeing whos more sensative on this site, maybe you should learn to truly read what people say, the meaning behind the words, not the words themselves.
which is why im a trainee psychologist you prick, i know how to anaylse anything from body language to written text because i am the way i am in non working life dont mean i am not shit hot at what i do. and it dont take a genious to work out you change your words to suit your audience its called people pleasing mate.

which is why i dont respect what you say, fairy sticks to the same story, like i do, which is also why we get on. difference of opinion or not, theres still respect there.

your just a fucking a knob krs2snow. and thats a proffesional opinion lol.


Well-known member
quote ''Fairy001, I havent been following your stories/posts . . but do you have SA/SP or are you a pherapist or something, because the logic you use seems like one a person with SA wouldnt carry and if that logic were true you should be able to use that logic to stop having SA''

and im sorry if this ent a personal attack i dont know what is lol very sarcasic or what.
question for you mate...who wrote that hulkamaniac or smething....does your pointless sarcasm help your SA? or ur logic for that matter? no.

where as enough respect to fairy, she does use her logic to make the most of her life, becasue she dont feel sorry for herself!!!

so in response to when i called people cry babies...i still stick by that, coz this is what some topics look like on here:

person a) i need advice on this

person b) try this?

person a) tried it.

person b) try this?

person a) i cant becausr this this and this

person b) try this?

person a) i cant because this this and this

person b) try this?????

person a) i cant coz this this this...oh woah is me ill never be better!!!

etc...etc...etc... and most of the cants arent physical reasons, but emotional ill get nervous or something.

tell me that ent feelin sorry for yaself?


Well-known member
hey...just a few 1000 more posts mate and you could be promoted to a mod!!!!and bann me urself!! now that sounds like a goal in life!!


Well-known member
You know why I like Nikki, her posts are honest, she inspires different thoughts. However, if you don't agree with her, she is able to accept a different view point, understand it, and still end on agreeing to differ. I admire that spirit she has, she provokes reactions in people, beautiful colourful reactions. I have not spoken to Nikki today, but she would have known when she posted, that she would receive some critisism over her last posts. But, because she believes what she says, she does it anyway.

Always controversial, does not equal troll.

Peace xxx


Well-known member
Marie_knowsbest said:
so in response to when i called people cry babies...i still stick by that, coz this is what some topics look like on here:


person a) i cant coz this this this...oh woah is me ill never be better!!!

etc...etc...etc... and most of the cants arent physical reasons, but emotional ill get nervous or something.

tell me that ent feelin sorry for yaself?

Why are you here if you feel such contempt for other people on this site? :?


Well-known member
Attack, Wolf! Attack!

Why do you keep getting banned? OH! That's right! For Doing what you "know best".

She isn't even "controversial". You should have ideas different from everyone else to be called controversial. And, yea, she doesn't. She did NOT get banned because of her "Insightful Ideas and Thought Provoking Opinions On Suicide" as she likes to claim. She got banned for attacking everyone.

I will give her this- she definitely evokes a reaction out of me. It's called Vomiting. Every time I even try to read her disgusting words.


Well-known member
erm...when did i call MYSElf insightful???? lol i didnt, sorry to piss on your bonfire, someone else thought that of me, where as it was you who stated that you think infact that you are insightful..if you want a award for it you only have to ask.

and no, i get banned for my foul language mainly, and i admit for pissing people off, which if thats how they feel about what i say, its up to them. i dont come here coz i value the membership, i come here because i have something to say, wether people like it or not.
so i dunno why you keep sayin 'oh why do u think u get banned' like im supposed to cry because no one likes me lol i have people in daily life to care about if they like me or not.

but i do enjoy provoking some people, like yourself, because i havent got to try hard or say alot for you to come accross and a judgemental bitter idiot, you do it by yourself, your replys are like one big stutter mate, errr err errrr.

have you noticed in your last post you spent the hole post challenging someones elses view on me? like they should change their opinion on me because you dont agree with it? it sounds like ur tryin to convince yaself mate. i think about 4 people agree with you krs2snow that im a troll lol i aint gonna try and change their opinion. 'oh but shes not even a nice the better person why cant you see that'....just not my style.

your pathetic love. i cant even have a decent arguement with you!! lol


Well-known member
Nicki, close your mouth, your fangs are showing again.

My last post was addressed to no one. It was a post. Sating my opinion. I’m glad you found it to be so convincing, though. My posts are one big stutter? That’s a good one! If that ain't the donkey calling the other ‘long-eared’, I don’t know what is (it’s an analogy, hun, look it up) Why do I keep saying ‘Oh why do u think u get banned’? Here ya go. The meaning behind those words: You are a blowhard who can’t even control or express herself in a dignified enough manner to keep a stupid membership on an Internet website. :roll: But you think people should listen to what you say. Mmm k.
Oh, right! You don’t care about the membership. You just want to pass your infinite wisdom onto people on SPW in need! That's why all your posts over the past 3 or so days have been attacking me. Aww! I feel so special! You must really care about me. **hugs**:D

You also don’t care if anyone hears your message. “On one hand" says Nicki "I want to share my thoughts and knowledge. On the other, Fuck everyone!! If they get mad or don’t understand, that's their problem! After all, I don't have SA"

Have you noticed that everything you’ve said to me can be applied Right Back to you? I have. Must be my insight at work. Shall we review? Ok. Lets do. Here, I’ll use your favorite format.

Nicki says: You’re a knob, Krs2snow!
Krs2snow says: You’re a knob, Nickster.
Nicki says: You’re offensive because you personally picked out that individual and layed into them about a problem their facing in the daily life!
Krs2snow says: You’re offensive because you presume so very much. Not only about the lives and intelligence of the readers on this site but also about your own knowledge of the affliction.
Nicki says: You called yourself ‘insightful’! Erm!
Krs2snow says: You called yourself ‘hot shit’! Ha!
Nicki says: It don’t take a genius to know you would fight back!
Krs2snow says: A pile of rocks could see you would fight back.
Nicki says: I can't even have a decent argument with you!
Krs2snow says: Yea, that’d be because I have way too much respect for myself.

I tell ya what, I will agree to change the record- the one you continuously keep playing- if you will agree to change your diaper. Really. You’re beginning to stink it up in here.

I’m not gonna keep battling you. I don't like you. You don't like me. Done. To quote the thread that this one originated from "Enough is enough". Oh, and you can stop looking on my profile for my posts now, Nicki. Gawd! I have responded to you now. You got your jollies. The one you looked up and responded to just recently had nothing to do with pretending to be you. I would never do that.


Well-known member
lol i said i was shit hot at what i do, what im gettin qualified to do lol i didnt say i was hot shit, get it right mate.

yeh coz you went on a different topic starting ur post (topic which i werent even talking on) sayin 'oh i wont try to sound like marie_knowsbest' no ones cares!!! so i duno what ur point was, and no one mentioned me before hand, so why the fuck bring me up? i dont know! lol

i ent even gonna bother breaking down what u said, coz uve got it so wrong, ur just a fucking idiot. but what i will say is, yes i come here to pass on knowledge, which i do on self help topics i start, thats what i ment on that one. on conversations like this, no i dont give a fuck what no one thinks thats what i ment about that, not because i dont have sa though?? when did i say that u knob? sa ent got nothing to do with that?

to put it nice and simple for you -

i am shit hot professionaly, i offer good advice and no what im talking about.

on a personal level, as fairy has got to know about me, to my friends i am 100% loyal nice person.
on a personal level to people i think are twats, i dont give a fuck what they think, but then why would i? why would anyone?

surely that didnt need spelling out. god. give up mate. u ent got me sussed out wot so ever.

but yet coz of this post needed to be said, the point remains. ur a fucking idiot. mouth with no brain to use with it.

buts thats all ive gotta say, inless you think of any other way to interprete what i say? which in some way fits your schema on me?