Songs related to SA/OCD/depression/autism/other mental ilnesses

I'd love to hear some songs related to SA or other mental ilnesses.
It's good to hear something you can relate to.
A good song, with some good lyrics.
Post it here ::eek::

Here some songs I can relate to:
Foolish Games, about someone who just doesn't understand that it's all just a game he/she plays.. I can relate to it because I knew some people like that,
those people were always a mistery to me..
And sometimes I've been obsessed *shame* so that sounds a bit like OCD

YouTube - Weezer - Pork And Beans
This song is great for SA'ers..
Describes exactly how you should feel in social situations to feel better :)

YouTube - Anouk - Lost (Official Video)
Being lost in this life... That's how most people feel with an mental disorder

More songs soon..
Now your turn guys!
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