Sometimes impossible making non-verbal eye contact!


Well-known member
Hello my name is Richard. I have a serious problem in making eye contact but its more than just a confidence thing. I have a problem knowing where to look when I look at a person and I am intensely aware of where I am looking - it has become unatural and I worry about this all of the time. I have fairly serious depression and am only just managing to keep my job down.

I think sometimes my gaze comes across as agressive but I don't mean it to be. I think it comes across this way because I am feeling quite stressed and intense. Can anybody give me some advice? Perhaps you have a similar condition or experience of this peculiar problem. I hope to hear from you soon if you're out there.

Best Regards


Well-known member
Hi Richard, i get the same problem but usually on certain days when i feel at my most vunerable state. I don't know what it is but i sometimes don't feel worthy enough to look into someones eyes. With girls it's ten times worse.


Well-known member
hi richard , robbie here , i have the exact same problem , in fact my whole social anxiety resolves around this . When im drinking , my mind isnt plagued with thoughts like am i making people uncomfortable when i make eye contact with them , i believe i suffer from an eye-contact distortion , even around my family i have this shit , can you believe that , ive basically become a recluse because of it , i wish i knew how to get over this because its takin 7 years of my life and i cant take it anymore , peace , robbie .


Well-known member
FreedomFighter said:
hi richard , robbie here , i have the exact same problem , in fact my whole social anxiety resolves around this . When im drinking , my mind isnt plagued with thoughts like am i making people uncomfortable when i make eye contact with them , i believe i suffer from an eye-contact distortion , even around my family i have this shit , can you believe that , ive basically become a recluse because of it , i wish i knew how to get over this because its takin 7 years of my life and i cant take it anymore , peace , robbie .

Hi Robbie thanks for replying. I am sorry to hear that you have to put up with the same shit as me too! It's crazy isn't it, but it's not like we intended to do this to ourselves on purpose.

Do you have a job or has this prevented you from working? I currently have a job but am finding it very hard to keep hold of it as my depression has got out of control lately. Richard


Well-known member
recluse said:
Hi Richard, i get the same problem but usually on certain days when i feel at my most vunerable state. I don't know what it is but i sometimes don't feel worthy enough to look into someones eyes. With girls it's ten times worse.

Hi there. I can appreciate this particularly if you were trying to get a date. I also find it harder the more vulnerable I am feeling. How long have you had this problem - me about 20 years or so.
Hi Richard, i experience the same problem in maintaining eye contact in my interaction with others. I actually find my self having difficulty to hold conversation when other people are looking into my eyes which obvioulsy does not help me in my communication skills. Working hasnt been easy but most of all i suffer in my social life as meeting friends has been a real struggle. Im currently doing some CBT and im planning to try some hypnotherapy so ill let you know if it helps with this problem.Take care :)