Something you like alphabetically (in images)

Fiona apple


In case any of you forgot

Who could forget!? :giggle:

Helen freaking Mirren

Let's just skip the inevitable week-long avoidance of this thread because X is the next letter and everyone hates X. Even X hates X, that's why it's at the end of the alphabet. It would be at the very end, but it lacks the confidence to tell those stoners Y and Z to get out of it's way. X has no clue who/what it is. It lacks an identity. That's why we are always solving for X in algebra class. It's an international scheme run by the teachers and scientists who have better things to do with their time than solve for X, like preparing slide shows and explaining the theory of relativity. So they had a conference years and years ago and said, "Hey, finding X is important, but so is making baking soda volcanoes and sending machines into space, so let's just have the students find X for us." And so started the greatest and most important search in history. No, not for Jimmy Hoffa's body. Not for Atlantis. And not for the Loch Ness Monster. But for X. So here is to you, X. May we find you one day. :brindis:

