Something i found :-(


Well-known member
Wow, its amazing the different groups you'd find on Facebook. But one on hating shy people?!?

Reiji Moritsugu

Well-known member
And you worry about something found on facebook? please...that is one of the most stupid things mankind has ever created; shows how most people would actually engage in lemming - like behavior and jump off a cliff just because others are doing just that. And I´d actually bet most of those shy - haters share that extreme hive - like behavior...therefore, they are not people anyone should be devoting their time to.

I wouldn´t worry about anything found in that thing, much less take it personally or give it a single second of my time.

See you around =)


Well-known member
I'm glad i quit facebook a long time ago.

Now if you excuse me i'm going to sharpen my axe ready to kill people, because apparently shy people are phsycho's plotting to 'execute very last mother f##king one of you!':rolleyes: