Someone just knocked on my door...


Well-known member
i'm still living with my parents,but i hate it when we have unexpected guests,it's not fair,i'm with my pajamas and bed hair and they are polished and look respectable,i mean i can't go to the corner store without doing my makeup and dressing nice,it almost angers me.


Well-known member
Well, psych, you just described me EXACTLY, lol. Fortunately (or maybe not so; depends on my mood) I have very few people in my life so whenever someone knocks I know it's not anything important. But if it is, I guess I'll find out eventually anyway. I live in a house so I'm able to tactfully peek out, in case it's the police or something. Not that I get regularly police visits. Just saying. Okay, why are you all making me feel paranoid suddenly. Stop looking at me. Bah! :rolleyes:


Well-known member
I used to do the same as most people here and just dive onto the floor and curl up into a ball. Now I do answer the door but I make it my mission to make them more creeped out than I am::p: I just open my door a crack and it squeaks really loudly and I just kind of hide behind the door and im like "what do you want?!" in a very stern tone lol.


Well-known member
I don't answer the door unless I know someone is supposed to be coming over. If I hear an unexpected knock, I tend to get paranoid and look through the peephole or out the window to see who it is first, and even then I'll just shout through the door asking who it is.

At least that was when I was living with my parents. Now that I live in an apartment, I have a buzzer. Thank God for extra security.

Lucky, you had a peephole! I wish I had one of those... Can the person on the other side of the door tell you're looking at them?

Last time I just spoke through the door... Turns out that today, yep... Someone was trying to leave a package.
good thing, I'll be making a trip to the post office this week anyways. ::p:


Well-known member
Well sometimes we get pushy sales people so unless I am expecting someone I never ever open the door no matter how long or hard a person knocks. If it is urgent or a relative, they will have my # and call me.