social genius kid


Well-known member
Wow, this little dude definitely has his social skills hammered down to perfection. It is not only his ability to speak well but his amazing self assurance which makes him so dynamic.

I believe any of us could be like this if we were just able to improve our own self image and believe that we can handle any situation. I know it is a lot easier said than done, but maybe we should all take a lesson from this little guy.
You see this sort of behavior allot amongst kids whom are in the spotlight allot. I have double feelings about it, the one thing great about being a kid is that you get to be socially awkward and get the chance to fail and learn allot. But on the other hand (if this isn't acted) it gives him a major boost socially, which will definitely help him in the future.


Well-known member
Not bad, but my pick for social genius is Bindi Irwin, the daughter of Steve Irwin. She is always so enthusiastic just like her father was, and the fact that she cares so much about animals and the environment is just outstanding. If there was an adult version of her, I would be in love.

YouTube - Bindi Irwin Interview for FREE WILLY: ESCAPE FROM PIRATES COVE

I prefer Bindi's mannerisms to the 'genius' kid because he's just way OTT for me it seems fake and put on, but he seems to be all set with his target audience there, so.. whatever works for him..

Maybe you should check out Dakota Fanning, the wee star from I Am Sam who is all grown up now but even back in the days she was precocious and very media savvy..

YouTube - Dakota Fanning - [Aug-2003] - interview