social discomfort and I


i have become unable to go into public by myself ... even checking the mail outside my door i get overcome with panic attacks and am unable to breath most times i just shut down when i step outside i need help to overcome my anxiety of the outdoors


Well-known member
Maybe wearing sunglasses would help. I used to get anxious going outside too but my humongous shades would make me feel kinda hidden and more comfortable. :cool:


Well-known member
It sounds like you have agoraphobia. I can completely relate. I haven't left the house in about 2 1/2 weeks & would go even longer, but I'm going to have no choice within the next couple days. I always wait until nighttime to get the mail because I'm usually too afraid to go get it in the day. I haven't even gotten it yet from yesterday (Saturday-- it's almost 1am on Sunday night/Monday morning now) Sometimes, I go weeks without taking out the garbage because of it. A lot of times, it's worse than it is now. There are times when I can't leave the house at all & never get the mail, grocery shop, or do any of the things I have to do.

Medication may work for you, &/or therapy. Sometimes, all people need is therapy, but for me, I find medication does far more good. I can leave the house now, if I have to, most of the time, as long as I take my medication beforehand. It sounds terrible, but, for me, it's better to be dependent on medication than to never leave the house at all, especially since I have to do certain things outside the house. At least the medication makes it more bearable for me to leave.


Well-known member
Although i work i get quite panicky stepping out of the door especially as my parents house faces the road. I sometimes check to see if anyone is walking past first.

I definately have some kind of agorophobia because i feel dizzy and panciky.


Maybe wearing sunglasses would help. I used to get anxious going outside too but my humongous shades would make me feel kinda hidden and more comfortable. :cool:

Hee, next time i spot someone with huge sunglasses covering half of their face, i'll think to myself "well, maybe this person's not a disdainful fashion freak but another SA sufferer" !

Anyway, halen, i can totally relate too. Taking small steps has been helpful. Do you have a friend or a family member with whom you could take a walk outside ?


thanks everyone and i have made a break through last week for the first time in months i actually made it outside long enough to go to the library and get my fav book... medication helps


Well-known member
Hee, next time i spot someone with huge sunglasses covering half of their face, i'll think to myself "well, maybe this person's not a disdainful fashion freak but another SA sufferer" !

hahaha xD Or it could be both maybe. hahah

And that's great, halen. I hope that you continue making progress. :]