So yyeah (read this guys)


So as of a few months ago I was put on a generic form of Paxil (I had extremley bad sexual intrusive thoughts of children, family.. basically everyone I (or anyone else) is allowed to even THINK about. (it's gross and hard to explain) however, I was ALWAYS scared that I was a terrible, disgusting person (hints the thoughts)
but really.. after praying about it and REALLY trusting God and getting myself help was absolutley the BEST!

Everyday now I have less and less intrusive thoughts (and when I do have them it is easy to brush them away in my mind without worrying about it)
I do still sometimes have miniture freak outs but theyre VERY rare.

God and that medicine saved me.
My doctor put me on 40 mg now and it works REALLY well.

So don't distress. You're not a bad person.. otherwise you'de LIKE having the thoughts (and dont sit there and be like "but what if one day i DO like them! or.. "what if I like them and I am too scared to actually THINK about it enough to know or not!"


Just pray and talk to a close family member or someone you trust (but preferably just tell your parents (or go yourself) to a counseling center.
(i know it's annoying to pay like 35 bucks to see a woman and have her send you to the doctor and have to pay him 45!) but its WORTH IT guys.
I am so much better (still a little rocky) but Rome wasn't built in a day :)

So.. take my advice.. Trust God, and if you're not religious.. just talk to an invisible friend (and don't say "ide feel nutty") becausen normal is a choice on a washing machine.

So yeah :) dont be scared. it's going to be okay!


Active member

I've been where you were at and before I was diagnosed and my meds were working well, I spent hours on my knees with a prayer shawl over me and the Bible in my hands praying for help.

God, doctors and meds. I am thankful every day for all three!


Well-known member
It sounds like you've really learned how to manage the thoughts. Clearly they were distressing to you right from the outset. You've found not one, but two ways of managing the problem and have actually reduced it a great deal, and found a sense of mastery over it.

Well done for that!