So who else lays in bed on a laptop all day?


Well-known member
After school from 16:30 or 17:30, depends on wich day it is, I'm always on the pc, not in my bed, but does it care ?::p: In the week-ends from when I get up to when I go to sleep.::eek:: But when I'm with my dad I'm not online the whole day, just a few hours, that's because my dad hates me seeing computering.And yes, why the hell do people need to keep asking what I do in life ..::(:


Well-known member
haha that would be me. Even when I go to my mom's I either bring my labtop or use hers. She doesn't like me being on there all day. I told her it's my passion lol! It's what I do and Im learning new things haha ..but really I am learning new stuff like coding and watching informative videos related to my career.


Well-known member

that was a funny pic lol , i did laugh when i saw that :D


Well-known member
haha that would be me. Even when I go to my mom's I either bring my labtop or use hers. She doesn't like me being on there all day. I told her it's my passion lol! It's what I do and Im learning new things haha ..but really I am learning new stuff like coding and watching informative videos related to my career.

well that being the case its all good lol :)


Well-known member
I think I may have OCD about going on the laptop all the time. It's not an addiction as I can do other stuff if I felt it was worth doing but otherwise I suppose I'm compelled to go on it all the time.


Well-known member
That's me when I'm not at work for 8 hours each day. Wake up, go to work, come home, open up the laptop, go to bed. Rinse and repeat.


Well-known member
Used to do now, but now I rarely come on, I barely have enough time to sleep after I knock off from work.


Well-known member
Yeah, pretty much everyday I spend most of my free time on the PC. Probably why I dump so much $ into my PC. :D