

Well-known member
Ive smoked when i was 16... I got really curious when i saw alot of people doing it so i bought a pack and tried it out.. When i was in my sophomore year i started buying packs and it grew to an addiction.... Yesterday after years of waiting and since they stopped selling locally, i finally bought an imported box of lucky strikes red... 20 packs..
Im smoking them yet im feeling guilty to the fact im getting engaged in a self destructive behavior that i had the choice not to push myself into.. I always try to quit but i just go back again cuz everyone smokes around me and what ruins it is bars cuz u gotta smoke when u drink...
I feel bad cuz i starting imaging myself getting cancer and bringing pain and suffering to my family seeing me like that...
Did anyone manage to find a way to quit it?


Well-known member
funny I was gonna post something about smoking today...

I started smoking at 17. I quit this past January but in June I was drunk and bummed a cigarette off of my friend. Since June, I've bummed one or two cigarettes every few days from people like at school, and I've only bought 2 packs since. One pack was bought last night...I smoked 3 today and I might go outside to smoke a 4th soon...

I will never be a pack a day smoker again though, I hope. It's such a disgusting habit. I go to the gym now, it was what helped me quit in January, and now I really feel terrible when I smoke but it also feels good so I don't know...