smoking and anxiety

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Active member
What do you feel when you smoke marijuana ?
I smoked today for the first time with some people from university and I haven't felt anything else except a little dizzy. I can't talk around many people especially when there are people I don't know and so I wasn't saying anything and I was constantly thinking I look stupid not saying a thing and I wanted to leave but I was thinking maybe it'll be impolite to leave all of the sudden. My anxiety was at the same level. I haven't felt any difference from my normal state. Maybe I don't know how to smoke although I inhaled the smoke.. I don't know.. I just feel more sad knowing that nothing can make me be relaxed.. I feel I have nothing to live for.


Well-known member
i used to smoke alot, but it started to make me extremely paranoid and anxious and it was absolutely unenjoyable so i quit. I hear that the mods and site admin dissapprove of drug talk in the posts by the way.


Well-known member
Hi Ragle! Other things can be MUCH more helpful than any iffy substances!

Nutrition, exercise, CBT or ACT can help! Have you tried any of that yet?

And yup, webhost doesn't allow any iffy talk, so either edit or expect this thread to perhaps be removed...!! (Not sure if bans and infractions can be given for this too, check!)
Edit: Yup, it seems it could get your account deleted? though you're actually criticising it.. (maybe ask a mod if not sure..) or just edit and ask on other boards or google it up if you want to research this more..
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Well-known member
Weed doesn't relax socially anxious people in social situations, it just heightens your paranoia and sense of feeling insecure. My experience with weed was good at first but soon turned bad. For awhile weed was nice but eventually it turned into any second of silence was EXTREMELY awkward, anything I said I would instantly regret and think the people I was with hated me, and everything anyone would say to me had a hidden meaning (they were secretly saying how much they hated me). Basicly, it heightened my social anxiety to a new level.

Stay away from it.


I hear that the mods and site admin dissapprove of drug talk in the posts by the way.

Confused is right.As mature as this discussion has been (which I appreciate btw)anything drug related is against the rules.It's a shame but we allowed it in the past but certain members started recommended drugs to other users.

If was up to us mods alone we would allow mature discussions,but the webmaster will ban accounts if he spots anyone breaking this rule.So yeah sorry guys ::(: having to lock this
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