Sick of snow

I know the grass always seems greener but honestly, snow is only fun until you're shoveling your car out of a 3-ft pile, compacted with ice so it weighs 3x as much, and you can't get out of your driveway or your front door for that matter, and on top of all that cushy snow along the sidewalk is a deceptive layer of ICE which you discover the hard way.

Okay so I'm a little bitter. Like the cold.

I'm also really funny.
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Well-known member
I know the grass always seems greener but honestly, snow is only fun until you're shoveling your car out of a 3-ft pile, compacted with ice so it weighs 3x as much, and you can't get out of your driveway or your front door for that matter, and on top of all that cushy snow along the sidewalk is a deceptive layer of ICE which you discover the hard way.

Okay so I'm a little bitter. Like the cold.

I'm also really funny.
Lol you got that right sister! Not to mention driving in white out conditons and sliding around in your car cause the road crew just decided it wasnt worth treating the road you are on or they were too busy to get to it.
Cleaning a foot of snow off the car, useing your windshield squirter and having the entire windshield freezing over cause its so cold, having to wear twenty pounds of clothes to avoid frostbite...f it! Why do we live in such a place?


Well-known member
I'm sick of it too! I hate the cold, I hate winter. I don't know how the majority of Canadians deal with it. I'm always so cold and I want to be where it's warm; I just soak up the warmth. I swear I'm exothermic. I might be moving to PEI (or Halifax) in a year or 2 and it wont be any better there either, sorry it is so cold for you :(

Can't wait to move to Australia went I have enough money to. Any Aussies wanna show me around? :) I'm thinking of moving to somewhere in either Melbourne or Brisbane. What a beautiful country. I can only imagine waking up to a sunny, hot, life-filled day nearly all year. Maybe my hopes of being happy because it is warm all year are too high, but right now it would feel like a dream come true just to step outside and feel the warmth and see the bright sun and blue sky and trees and grass and ocean and people playing outside.

I'm sick of the heat right now! it's 85 degrees and my fan is brokem!!!!!! The weather here has been off and on but I rather enjoyed those 50 degree days. It's only going to get hotter from now on and and I'm sooo not looking forward to it. Sitting here sweating, it's fun fun fun. I can't even imagine being in snow at this moment, and for the most part I hate snow and being that cold.