shy guys


Well-known member
Masterpiece2 said:
Your happy and at the same time scared to stay the way you are?
its strange, but i know the feeling somehow.

For me i'm happy as long as I keep my mind off of dating and things like that. Its silly because eventually it'll come to the forefront of my mind, like it has several times in the past. Then I miss the opportuinty and beat myself up over it until I eventually can put it to the back of my mind and keep going.

It's a very bad way of doing things really, and your advice is more than welcome and good - but whether i'll put any into practice is another thing I guess. :(

I think over the years i've made a mountain from a mole hill so to speak. And i'm not even very old yet! :oops:


New member

For almost my whole life now I have suffered from Social Phobia.
I'm now 19yrs of age and haven't had a bf since age 8 back in Primary School.
I fancied a few guys back in high school & I usually just tried to show-off a bit with me mates when they were near buy, just to try and get myself noticed... nothing happend though.

When I left high school and started working, I assumed things would change for me, but they didn't. Then one day, after about a 1 1/2 years working, this new guy started (Best lookin' guy I've eva seen... no kiddin') yet out of every member of staff I was the only one he seemed to notice. He even joined me for lunch.
It was short lived though. I just couldn't understand what he saw in me & I couldn't grasp the reason for why he'd decided to join me for lunch and not someone else.
I pushed him away, by just generally freezin up when he came over, I just couldn't get me words out when he spoke to be.

I've neva in all my life felt so strongly about a guy. I know he's the one, but how the heck do I make amends. I chat to him occassionally and sometimes even see him at break, but yet he never seems to be confortable aroud me now. He keeps giving me mixed signals. One minute I think he fancies me, the next I don't. :cry:


I think its to bad shy guys and girls are shy, they often turn out to be some of the kindest people youll ever meet. I am dreadfully shy and especially in front of guys :roll: This irritates me so much :!: because I know I am fine just the way I am and if they dont accept me it is their problem and yet I still act afraid of what they think. Anyhoo, I dont respond to signals well. If someone likes me I want to be their friend first because when your friends you dont really need signals. Just say I like you. That is what I would prefer but yet again :roll: stuck with the irrational fear of no acceptable tsk tsk to me and my brain.