Show Me A God


Well-known member
EVOLUTION: everything came from a bacteria, who made the f***** bacteria, where the hell did it come from..
GOD: supposedly made everything , who made him..
Trinity: :S
maybe there is a God, it would make more sense than evolution, and believing in him is just easier, even tho feel lie a hypocrite sometimes..
IT DOESN'T MATTER WHETHER OR NOT HE EXISTS, IT'S UP TO U TO FIGHT FOR UR HEALTH! believe in yourself, doctors, therapy, u can have HOPE WITHOUT GOD!!!!!!

I don't have doctors and therapy, I'm uninsured. Thats what kind of country America is. And I don't think Obama health care bill is gonna change much. I don't expect to be insured this time next year. Theres not even a public option. ::eek::


Super Moderator
God doesn't exist, and if he does then he is a big bastard. Sorry if my words offend anyone, but I am just angry at this "God". I have my reasons.
I have to agree with Lea here. (If there is a God) he's not there to grant every dumb little wish that everyone has. People have to die to make room for new people. I'm sure EVERYBODY wishes that their loved ones would never die. If God granted all those wishes then no-one would ever die, yet new people would keep being born and the world would be a very overcrowded, crappy place to live in!! If there is a God he has to look out for the greater good of the world, so he won't grant your selfish little wishes :)