should men not read!


hi girls! we are smarter than guys,aren't we? we do shopping better than they do..we wear nicer than them..we look better than them..we think and speak better than guys..we do better almost everything than the guys..we are luckier than them 'cause we were born as a girl..:)


Well-known member
Okay, you like being a girl, good for you, so do I. But...

Um, last time I checked males and females were equal...

I don't think males are smarter than females, or that females are smarter than males. Neither sex is better than the other, though in general the two sexes tend to be better at different things, or more accurately, different ways of approaching things. Which is very stereotypical, and there are many, many people that are not goverened by that general and very lose fitting idea.

Shopping: I fail to see what is so great about being "better" at shopping. How would you define being "better at shopping" anyway? Quicker? Finding things more cheaply? Because I'm not sure how I would define someone being better at shopping...

Dressing better: Gender based fashions dictate that we dress differently, it doesn't mean better or worse...

Thinking: We may think differently, but neither is better. Besides, there are males that tend to think in a more female way and females that tend to think in a more male way. Very few people's brains are distinctly male or female... Having taken numerous tests based upon gender streotyping of thinking styles I apparently have a balanced gender style to my thinking, neither predominantly male or female. I think a lot of people would fall into this catergory.

Speaking: Females tend to use more words, and describe feelings more than males, but that doesn't make us better speakers. It's just a different style. And once again I'll point out that there are females who speak in the more male-stereotypical style and males that speak in the more female-stereotypical style. Most people probably fall somewhere in between.

True, females have strengths that are lacking in males (Using generalisations here once again.) But males have strengths in areas that females tend to lack.

Neither sex is better or worse. Just different. (Generally speaking lol)

Sorry to ramble on, I just hate seeing inequality. Especially when you think back in history, how women were treated and thought of as second class citizens. For women/girls to do that today with men/boys is worse in a way, because of that fact, we know what it was like.


Well-known member
" we are smarter than guys,aren't we? we do shopping better than they do..we wear nicer than them..we look better than them..we think and speak better than guys..we do better almost everything than the guys.."

I think how you were raised determines you feeling this way, and how much contact you have with the opposite sex, otherwise its kind of easy to judge cause you can't relate to them. "If you grow up with siblings of the opposite sex, you get to learn a bit about each others habits and behaviour, but if you do not, or if you spend years in a same sex school, you are often ignorant of the psychological trends of the other sex."

I could easily argue what you said from the other side and say that guys are lucky cause girls are bitchy, gossipy, and vain. And that they're better cause they can be comfortable with themselves unlike girls etc. cause I was a tomboy. I don't think that, but as a young girl, I only had guys to talk to, girls ignored me, and I never bonded with my mum or sister so thats how other girls came across to me. Although now I'm fearful of guys, I still feel more comfortable with them when it comes to friendships.

Girls and boys are equal, just in diffrent ways like the above poster said. Its because we learn diffrently. In a book I have, it says that hormones make us respond diffrently to diffrent types of learning. Each sex will seek out ts own gender (group) to play with. And that young boys will play with things that move and work, and have a curiosity in exploring and girls look for toys/things that involve detail or include them with people. (which is why girls usually have dolls and boys get trucks etc) These are built in things to help us prepare for roles in adulthood. Not that I agree with the stereotypical gender roles, thankfully we're evolving beond those means now and equality is acceptable, for both genders. In the past I believe men had things pretty bad too, and were forced to be tough and take on being a certian way.

Relating to a group is normal, its psychologically healthy. Its when you focus on the diffrences of groups compared to yours that causes problems. You put yourself in a box, a prison and thats what causes prejudice in people. Try and get to know more men and you'll see that they're just like you, human and emotional, individuals. :) And don't feel bad for prejudging them, I did the same thing with girls, but I relised I can be diffrent and still be accepted with them, especially now I'm older. It's better to learn late than always going through life thinking like that.


Well-known member
^^^ I agree with everything you just said.

Amiyumi said:
I think how you were raised determines you feeling this way, and how much contact you have with the opposite sex, otherwise its kind of easy to judge cause you can't relate to them. "If you grow up with siblings of the opposite sex, you get to learn a bit about each others habits and behaviour, but if you do not, or if you spend years in a same sex school, you are often ignorant of the psychological trends of the other sex."

I just found that point interesting, because I grew up only with friends that were female lol. I never had any proper conversations with males, all of my immediate family are females too lol. Yet I still am quite aware of people's behaviour, and reasons behind it. Also, gender differences and similarities... Maybe that comes from always observing rather than participating though...

If I am 100% honest I'd never had a proper conversation with a male before signing up to this site. 8O And this is only online, but I find I get on better with males (here anyway lol) for some reason, though at school I always thought that would be the case, I was just scared of everyone though lol.

I find it odd though that some people can adopt the sort of thinking that males and females are so different. We're all human, we all have feelings. Of course we have our differences, but we also have similarities. People are people, regardless of gender.


Active member
hi girls! we are smarter than guys,aren't we?

Its actually the oposite and im not being sexist atall but men are generally alot smarter than women. Just look at all the geniuses and inventors in human history its like 99.9% male ive never heard of a female einstein or newton or even a women being well known for being intelligent

Better at shopping are you mad? ive seen girls shop they goto the very first shop they see notice something they like and spend next 8 hours visited every single shop in the area to eventually come back to the very first shop and buy the first thing they thought looked good. fussier shoppers yes , better no.


i still insist on the idea of women are smarter than men..we love differently..we speak well..we have all the best stories about life..we love deeply..we live best..we look see,we all have all the things that men seek..


i have a boyfriend and i hate him..cause he is very obstinate that makes me go mad..he is just like a young boy..he behaves like a little child..he is younger than me..could it be the resaon that he behaves so?


age matters boy friend writes some messages that are childishly wriitten..he thinks differently from's normal but our relationship is gonna be broken,i am afraid..but i love him very much..


Well-known member
gulshen10 said:
age matters boy friend writes some messages that are childishly wriitten..he thinks differently from's normal but our relationship is gonna be broken,i am afraid..but i love him very much..

He should leave you before you leave him just because you think women are superior. I wouldn't stand for it.