Seung-Hui Cho, VirginiaTech Killer -- Social Anxiety?


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Here is an image from the same photo shoot as my avatar.



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my parents made alot of connections between me and this psycho peice of shit and told me to be careful with myself, which fucking PISSED ME OFF!

oh my god! you parents did that too? my parents told me the same thing..that I need to be careful with the way that I that's not gonna stir up more anxiety! I really don't think they get it. People really need to be educated on the whole thing. I noticed that my teachers actually make more eye contact with me since this whole thing..which is very wierd. One of my teachers this morning even looked like she was going to cry or something. i think maybe its all in my head but then again i don't know...i don't want to phsyc myself out about this any longer because that can lead to other problems. :roll:
I think everyone is looking at everyone different. It happened with columbine and its happening again...maybe people will begin to focus more on treating mental problems...thats the only good that could come out of this.


I must admit, that I’ve found some worrying comparisons between Seung-Hui Cho’s mentality, and my own. Many of the things that he did, such as going to the gym to try and make himself stronger, trying to reinvent his image, and the shooting of classmates are things that i have thought of doing, on several occasions during the last two years, whenever i've been in a bad mood, or have felt too isolated because of my SP.

Fortunately, these were just fantasies, and funnily enough, on every occasion where thought of doing these things, someone would suddenly start being friendly, or simply say "Hi" or acknowledge my existence , which made me feel better about people and put me off those stupid ideas

Seeing these ideas put into action, and how they affected the victims of the families make me glad that i never acted on these thoughts. I'm happy now that i chose to try and get over my SP, rather than just transferring my misery onto other people.


Staff member
Zipper said:
Did Cho have social anxiety disorder? Let's look at the evidence:

-- He was depressed.
-- He didn't speak in class.
-- He was lonely.
-- He did not make eye contact with people.
-- He was a loner
-- He wore sun glasses to hide his eyes.
-- He didn't speak to any of his roommates.

The guy was a psychopath, yes we may have similar symptoms with social phobia but that is where the similarity ends.

After viewing his video I found it disturbing, not because he seemed like a nutjob but the fact he seemed pathetic and harmless in the video and if you had viewed it on Utube or whatever, you would deem him as an attention seeker or someone with a chip on his shoulder, he didnt in the video seem vicous or evil enough to do what he did, even his roommates and people he shared a house with said they had no inclination he had such horrific tendances.

I think the key issue for the U.S. government is how someone with mental health issues as severe as his (and diagnosed) could just walk into a pawnbrokers and pick up a pair of handguns, that to me is the true madness! :?


I just got asked by a family member if I would kill people if I had a gun. You think she would of known better since I was fired from my first job at the age of 27 (after 2 months) because I didn't talk to people. I was constantly been asked if was going to shoot people. And I'm pretty sure I came home pretty upset then!

Hey, if anyone wants to make an documentary of social phobic going through hell when starting his 2nd job at the age of 30 let me know. :lol:


Well-known member
The more I read about this kid the more I wonder if he was ever bullied. First of all I am not justifing his actions but I have only really heard an incomplet story so far.


Well-known member
Let me make those of you who feel a bit insecure at this stage of your life feel a bit better...

Don't worry so much. There are so many factors that go into a person being who they are. So very many.

For one thing, when you are looking at the nature of someone's problem or mental illness - this is so very complex. Psychiatrists don't have this categorising of people figured out. Many times a psychiatrist will try out different diagnoses on a patient before finding the so-called 'perfect fit'.

People are complicated. Labels at best are simply guidelines, at worst they negatively effect a person, exagerating flaws and even possibly pushing people to feel worse.

One other example that I can give is this... consider sexuality. For example, some men may be sexist towards women. Some may objectify women, some may have unresolved issues regarding sexuality. Does this mean that because such men have these inner conflicts that therefore they qualify as a rapist, for example? ...surely the factors that go into deciding what and who a person is are a little more complicated than a black-and-white picture. is an hysterical reaction to put everyone in the same category.

As for this issue... people become paranoid of 'loners' and read all sorts of negative things that much of the time are not even there. Of if and when they are there -to what degree? Add the fact that sometimes those who go through phases of social isolation actually later on end up being more well-adjusted than others. If you want proof- consider those 'nerds' in highschool who now are doing humanitarian work, or have some great career as a writer. ...for that matter what of prophets? Jesus said something like: "Blessed are the solitary and the chosen".

No need to panic. Sometimes in fact it is because a person has some insecurity that they are more trustworthy. There is a saying: "If you are worried about being crazy, than you probably are not."


New member
Tampa-Bay, yes, the guy was bullied in high school (based on the media's accounts).,1249,660213495,00.html

When I read these stories, I thought maybe this guy had SAD. I live with someone (D) who has SAD and Cho's stories reminded D's childhood stories. As you all know, SAD (or any mentail illness?) can worsen or develop comorbidity if not intervened early.

Because of no early intervention, D developed OCD in addition to SAD. He didn't know he had SAD until his 30's. He always knew something was wrong with him but suffered all by himself with no medication for 30+ years. (His mother was no help; she's still in denial.) D says "I have a certain understanding of what this guy (Cho) may have felt on some level."

He can definitely relate to these "reflections."

Labeling this Cho guy just another psychopath (and different from SAD sufferers) won't change anything or prevent future similar unfortunate events. Whatever he had, he could have been intervened and helped in his younger years. Based on the media's accounts, his teachers and other adults were no help. His parents were probably clueless. Until I met D, I didn't know anything about SAD, didn't even know there was such a disorder. Most people still don't. I've never met anyone who does.

The focus of the discussion should be how SAD and other mental illnesses can be intervened early and how to educate the general public about SAD and other mental illnesses.

I'm glad I met D and learned about SAD. He definitely broadned my world and enriched my life, though his erratic and irrational behavior often drives me nuts!


Well-known member
LEts not forget that its also possible some of the innocent victims of this shooting may have had shy traits!

it goes both ways, there are just as many nuts who murder that are chatty. cant believe there are people saying this sort of prejudice tagging towards introverts, its completely insensitive to even hint it, just because your not as chatty :roll:
I agree that Cho was likely schizophrenic or psychotic. His videos showed that he had a severe detachment from reality.

why do people keep saying this?

why? because he claimed he was bullied in the tape yet none of his classmates at VA Tech verified it? were any of you with the man 24/7? who are we to say what he did or didn't go through?

There is no documented evidence of schizophrenia and it's all just speculation. It just seems like you folks don't want to accept the fact that he's one of us.

It burns your souls so you push it away.