Seasons and depresesions


Well-known member
Sorry for my delay.
According to Dr Rojas Marcos in repeating depressions is necesary to test is this desease apperans in some specific moments. Scientist have guessed more likely to appear in autunm and spring. And the phychiatrists usually prescribe moob stabilizers to avoid relapses.
I don´t know anything else. Sorry
greetings! :cry:


Active member
I usually feel worse in this season, autumn :( . Also in Spring :roll:
Thanks for the info!


Well-known member

Have you ever read the book by Dr. Enrique Rojas called (Goodbye depression? ) edit: temas de hoy. In this book, this phychiatrist revise all king of depressions and tell about some examples. There´re also test.
Personality it had helped me reading this book. But be carefull, you might feel identify with each kind of depression he treat.

Another book that can help me is called "Brújula para navegantes emocionales" by Elsa Punset, you know, Eduart Punset´s daughter. It´s a wonderfull book from the beggining to the end.
I don´t know whether this book is edited in English. :?:


Well-known member
i heard that people usually feel the worst during the coldest season where there isnt much sun. i guess getting enough sunlight helps keep youre mood balanced or something. This is what I just read...

Chemical changes in the brain caused by changes in the amount of sunlight are probably involved. People who live in geographical locations that are dark or cloudy during the winter are most likely to have SAD.

That doesnt apply to me at all! I am the exact opposite. I feel my best when it is dark, cloudy and rainy outside. And I live in southern california, where it rarely rains. And its very very depressing having to sit in a hot room day after day, week after week, month after month. People complain that they cant do anything when it rains all the time, but the same applies to when its constantly hot. Like you really cant do anything. Id rather be stuck inside cause its raining and its cold. It's nice to snuggle up in a warm blankey and drink hot chocolate and you get to listen to the lovely rain. The weather where I live is BULLSHIT and I HATE IT OH SO VERY MUCH :evil:


Well-known member
I love the dark evenings, the warmth of the fire, being able to wear coats...the whole thing! Summer to me is awful for many reasons. Winter is the best time of the year. I don't subscribe to the Seasonal Affective Disorder theory. It's just personal preference, I guess.


Well-known member
I hate autum and spring. They don't feel like real seasons to me. More like just transitions between summer and winter. Autum is just rainy, cloudy and the tress has no green leaves. On the ground all the ugly rotten leaves covers the streets. (-,-) So boring. An spring is annoying because it's teasing with the warmth. When the snow is gone you want it to be warm and dry but instead you have this annoying transitino where the temp lies around 10-15 deg c.