

Well-known member
Please comment your feed back I'd like to see what you people think, also please read through this I really do want feed back.I was diagnosed schizophrenic a few months ago when I was in the hospital for a suicide attempt. I heard the voices since I was 14 and been very paranoid for years of everyone. So today I went and researched some things about it cause I want to learn more about it and so far what I found out my life is going to stay shit for me. Everything they say I do and or have done, examples are drug use it says 50% of schizophrenics use drugs for loneliness, depression, boredom, and anxiety I used for all those reasons. I have been trying to stay clean but its hard and I don't know how much longer I can stay clean. They also say if you grew up in a violent environment you are more likely to get diagnosed, I was beaten up all my life at school and harassed. I always thought these voices came to me cause I was always alone. Another one was people with schizophrenia usually have these other mental illness's I'll list the ones I have that they listed, they listed major depression, anxiety, and social problems, and substance use disorder I take medication for all those problems but substance abuse cause I'm trying cold turkey. those are just 3 I'm to embarrassed to go on about more cause about everything I read fit into me. I don't understand this damn illness I hate it. People with my illness have a high suicide rate and are usually alcoholics and drug users I was for 2 years everyday until I ran out of money. Recently I quit my job cause they were asking me a lot of questions about a girl who got hurt on my ride (I work at an amusement park) But they wanted me to work and didn't want to lose me so I went back but every time I'm at work I can't feel safe I feel people are watching. As a matter of fact I always feel like that, the voices tell me to kill myself all the time. They start to sound better everyday, I feel like people are scared of me because I'm not like them what goes on in my head I hope no one has to go through the same thing if you do I feel how hard it is. I find I'll be alone my whole life too no one wants a schizophrenic person in their life I'm only trouble. Thank you to anyone who reads this once again and please give me your feed back


Well-known member
Hi dannyboy, I felt compelled to answer your thread because although I wont generalize... ill tell you about my uncle. He is schizophrenic, diagnosed when he was 21, he is 49 now. He hears the voices that tell him to kill himself too... and developed bad anxiety. Although he has momens when he will have a really bad anxiety attack, or when the voices just wont diminish... I can say that for the most part he is ok.

He has lasted at different jobs... but has chosen, to retire early. See my mom and he are the two youngest siblings. My mom is 54 and he is 49. They are best friends. He lives with my mom and family, he goes to night school and he is doing ok. He has never self medicated, but did drink early after his diagnoses.

I say this because I have been the one who usually talks through his "episodes" with him. Although life will have its challenges, you can live and be happy. Everyone has challenges... some greater than others, but don't let this mental illness stop you from leading your life.

It was trial and error with his meds, but his doctor has been able to find the ones that best work for him and his anxiety.

Anyway.... I don't if this is much help, but see... I love my uncle. And I would have hated not having him around. If ever you'd like to talk... you can always send me a private message.

Best wishes,..
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Well-known member
Hi Danny!

An interesting book to read is by Glasser: Psychiatry Can Be Hazardous to Your Mental Health, and there are some empowering websites too (some links are in that book, or on s-related forums)
Basically he views schizophrenia/psychosis as overactive imagination/creativity, which may often happen if a person is too much alone or under stress... And he and those sites and some other books cite many success stories too..

I know some people with s. who are married or couples. Some have had jobs too.

I hope you have some support group or such in your life? Going through what you've been going seems like a lot. There are support groups in many places... Wishing you things to go well!!
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Well-known member
Hi Danny,

Some people respond to medication and can learn to live with the symptoms. Don't become too concerned with the negative stories, there a re many people who live a good life and have been diagnosed with schizophrenia. It is really important to try and find a medication/s that helps with your symptoms....the sooner this is achieved the better the long term prognosis. There are several websites that have forums devoted to the discussion of different types of illnesses including schizophrenia. At a much younger age I was diagnosed with Schizo-affective Disorder as my drug habits lead to me experiencing aural hallucinations and depression with episodes of psychosis. I was treated with medication (anti psychotics, anti depressants and a mood stabilser) for several years and it helped me to stay alive. It can be a difficult illness to manage, but you come across as intelligent and insightful. If you can use your knowledge of yourself positively there is no reason why you cannot find things that give you enjoyment.