Saturday Night


Well-known member
<<(I'm not supposed to have a pet in my flat - and the landlady's plumber had to come fix something - so I had to leave my hamster with them).>>


Sorry you live on your own though. That must be really difficult.
I live with my parents (I'm 23) but even so, the loneliness can kick in. Maybe I should be learn to be thankful and appreciatative of what I have rather than dwell on what I don't have.

This forum is absolutely wonderful. It's comforting to know that we're not the 'only ones' like this and it's good that we can contact people in the same situation who can relate and sympathise with what we are dealing with.

Even though I'm a newbie, I can tell that the people who post here are really gentle, warm people so I'm glad I found such a great forum :)


Well-known member
I feel fine on Friday and Saturday nights!

It's Sunday night and Monday morning that upset me.

I feel as if I've wasted another weekend and have to pay for it by working for another week.

Some life!!


Well-known member
I usually try to go out fridays or saturday nights, at least one of those nights, not neccesarily cause i want to, but just cause i feel like im missing out if i dont. Often I up sitting at home alone, and I have an apartment bymyself, so its really lonely. I watch TV, read, or go visit my mom and my brother (which usually makes me feel better cause I get out of the house). I had no idea so many people stayed home also! I always feel that everyone's out partying, having a blast. When i do go out with friends, I go to a bar or a movie, and im trying to work up the courage to go to the movies or to a concert bymyself, cause as you all know, it isnt easy always finding someone to hang out with!


Well-known member
on a regular saturday night..most likley at home or at a relatives chilling with a bunch of 8 year olds.


Friday and Saturdays are usually spent watching DVDs and doing laundry. I've been doing this more often lately because the few friends I do have are a bit more into spending time with their Significant Others than me. On the plus side, I get all my classwork done well before it's due.


Well-known member
what do i do on Saturdays hmmmm?Well mon through fri I am a super hero.I protect people from the boogey man check there closets look under there beds etc... that takes alot out of me so on weekend i like to unwind i prance around my house in my underwear singing old show tunes and flex my muscules in front of a mirror lol thats what i do haha