Icicle said:
Fools like me do not enjoy kicking people down unless they deserve it. All of you still haven't made a comment on my point of this "bullying" as you call it, helping the celebrities straighten up their act so the youth will have someone "genuine" to look up to. I know this kind of bullying is technically "wrong", but all these rich greedy bastards brought it on themselves. By all the illegal and stupid actions they committed and got caught doing.
Tell me Icicle, do rape victims "bring it on themselves too?" I mean, according to your logic, the man might be "straightening up their act" for dressing "slutty" or "flirting".
Rape is entirely different, I don't know how you compare the two. You get years in prison for rape. You get nothing for shoving someone, or calling them "harsh" names. It's like comparing paper cuts to broken limbs. Rape is much more serious.
They are famous, and they know they're looked up to by the majority of todays youth and adults. Still, they continue to do the foolish and irresponsible things they do without any care for what damage their actually doing. Drugs are reaching younger and younger ages, sex is becoming more common and worst of all, when something comes along that has the potential to slow or stop all of these harsh negative side effects the celebrities of today have caused all you pessimists look at the "bullying" aspect of it. Having a few deserving celebrities feel bad about their irresponsible actions is much better than entire generations of children being introduced to sex and drugs at an age that is far to young..
ANd the kids should look upto Sarah Silverman? Give me a freaking break. I'd rather be friends with someone with a good heart with drug or alcohol problems than someone heartless bully.
No, the kids shouldn't look up to either. But it's much better to have one bully on television rather than countless drug and sex addicts. Drugs kill, sex "can" kill and potentially ruin lives if a sexual disease is contracted. Calling people names.. does.. what again? Only if it's repeated constantly is it going to have any effect on the person. And even then, you have to be a very unconfident person. Being damaged by a few negative words. Really?
I really don't know why I'd even try, this is a place to argue against bullying after all. I know everyone that visits here is going to disagree with me, though I am fine with that. None of you seem to even try to comprehend my logic. You just take me for another one that's going to blacken your eye, or bruise your lip. I'm looking at what some call the "Greater good". The negatives outweigh the positives by far, with a little added entertainment as well. Nothing beats it..
I think you just summed up what type of person you really are...
What kind of person I am? Someone who cares more about the lives of millions of children than a few rich folks that are getting bullied for their dangerous and irresponsible activities.