Sandpaper on aluminum plates?


Active member
I've been using the same aluminium plates for my homemade ionto since late 2012... i came across a post talking about rust building up on the aluminum and making treatment less effective.. which could explain why I have to use baking soda to feel any tingling now..

Just wondering, if I rub a high grit sandpaper, would it get rid of this rust and make the treatment more effective? Is it worth a shot?


Well-known member
You can get rid of rust that way.. but I doubt thats the reason why ionto became less effective. I've had same problem and my first conclusion was rust made it less effective.. then I bought whole new set.. nothing changed.. I think something happens to our skin that makes ionto less effective. My personal opinion is that after some time of dryness, the skin becomes thicker and thats why less current can go trough it.


Active member
You can get rid of rust that way.. but I doubt thats the reason why ionto became less effective. I've had same problem and my first conclusion was rust made it less effective.. then I bought whole new set.. nothing changed.. I think something happens to our skin that makes ionto less effective. My personal opinion is that after some time of dryness, the skin becomes thicker and thats why less current can go trough it.

I hope that's not the case.. i used to only do 30 minute sessions (15 min each polarity).. Starting today, I'm going to try removing the rust and up the session to one hour (2 sets of 15 min each polarity) and see how that works out. I feel like I'm sweating more on my palms now after doing a week of sessions every other day, which could be a good sign. I'm also being more careful to use less water. Also, the baking soda is working in the sense that I can feel the tingling sensations on my palms when they are in the water.


Well-known member
Aluminum does not rust it pits. Steel wool or sandpaper can work on stainless steel or aluminum. Steel wool is more preferable.

Ionto can stop working or work less for countless reasons. Change in water, altitude, climate, medications, sickness etc. In my case Ionto trearment changed do to Fibromyalgia. Sometimes it can work really well and other times 30-50%. I've had to adjust my treatment schedule numerous times over the years.

I found the amount of water I used in my trays was irreverent. I've gotten the same results with a gallon of water as with a quart, hot or cold. Although baking soda or salt can increase the sting, I found that it did nothing as far as enhancing my treatment results. Adding Certain Dry and/or Antihydral creme at the time of treatment has helped with my ionto results.


Well-known member
when i read the title, thought this thread was about things that annoyed you. The sound of sandpaper on aluminum plates sounds like it would be pretty


Well-known member
. Although baking soda or salt can increase the sting, I found that it did nothing as far as enhancing my treatment results.

The reason it increases the sting is because salt and baking soda both increase the conductivity of the water and it makes the electricity much easier to pass through the water. Plain water is just not that conductive and would need compounds added to it in order to be conductive. I'm kind of surprised adding baking soda didn't help with your results!


Well-known member
The pulsed current "galvanic stimulator" that I have been using since giving up the Fischer MD-1A machine pushes through the weakest of soft water. This unit would probably work through distilled water.

Yes, I'm well aware that our water needs some mineral content, adding baking soda might improve the sting which does not necessarily mean more effective treatment. It just means more current will pass through the water when using a weaker powered (usually the named brand ionto) machine.

The "name brand" machines limit the amount of DC juice that can pass through. I wouldn't trade my off brand unit for anything. I've been doing treatments since 2005 with varies machines.