SAD Questionnaire


New member
Hello, Im doing a sociological study into the effects of Social Anxiety in peoples lives, You will remain anonymous and the results could go towards important research. Thanks, Annie.
Questions that use a scale use (1 being not at all, 5 being occasionally, 10 being all the time)

Are you Male or Female?
How old are you?
(Scale of 1-10) do you fear anxiety at home?
(Scale of 1-10) Do you get anxious at home?
What activities at home make you anxious?
(Scale of 1-10) Do you fear anxiety at work?
(Scale of 1-10) Do you get anxious at work?
What activities at work make you anxious?
(Scale of 1-10) do you fear anxiety when with friends?
(Scale of 1-10) Do you get anxious when with friends?
What activities when with friends make you anxious?
Over all on a scale of 1-10 Do you fight the anxiety?
(Scale of 1-10) Has SA taken over your life?
Has SA stopped you from living your life ? Yes/Maybe/No
If you could get rid of your social anxiety right now would you?


Well-known member
Please number the questions.

How are we supposed to answer, on the forum or with PM?


Well-known member
Are all these questions related specifically to social anxiety, or are you asking about anxiety in general?


New member
Hello, you can post it on here or you could email me your answers on [email protected]. It will all remain anonymous. The main purpose of my study is to find which areas of peoples life's SAD effects the most. I choose this subject as i have been a sufferer in the past and thought it would be an interesting and personal subject to choose. If you do this questionnaire i would be very grateful for your help ! Thank youu