SA on during daytime and off duing night time?? What??


Well-known member
Okey, so I've noticed my SA is worse during the day. I have a wall infront of me and I cant break it down... I'm very quiet. But in the evening the wall dissapears and I feel more happy and selfconfident and that makes me want to talk...

Can you relate?:confused:


Well-known member
I have heard (may have even been here on SPW) that sleep deprivation can actually help anxiety and depression when done correctly.
I'm the opposite. I'm much less anxious during the day. If I get up and go out in the morning, I find it so much easier to be out and to talk to people and be social.
I don't know what it is in the evening, but I'm less comfortable going out, and I get waaay more anxiety.
I guess it's a similar thing, in the morning I've just woken up so I'm still a bit tired...