SA has scarred me.


Well-known member
In the past when I was in my previous class something happened that led to my close friends leaving me. I was devastated because of that and it never was the same anymore.

So I join a new class in a new year and because of that incident I am not the same person. I would always watch what I do and say. I am always hyper vigilant of my surroundings and thinking of things like did I do or say anything wrong or are they talking about me. I can never be comfortable around them like how I was with my ex-friends. Because of this I can never concentrate in lectures or class because my mind is always on the move. Since I am the new student I can't stop thinking how everyone would perceive me or if they would talk about me behind my back. I wish I could just relax and not overthink because it really is driving me crazy.


Well-known member
Im a mom and i say
Friends and acceptance are important yes
But my dear you are in school to learn what the teachers teaching you.
Keep that your primary focus ALWAYS
Socializing and peer groups are secondary

Get rest, eat as well as you can, drink water,take vitamins and get some exersize.
Walk to clear head. Listen to music youlike. Watch programs you like.
And try to find a hobby. Anything positive that interests you and engages your beautiful mind. Get acquainted with yourself. Find your loves. Than you will find like minded others with whom interests you truly share and you will bond with and keep in your life whom you should be around.
Peers can come and go for all sorts of stupid ,
silly and meaningless Reasons ...Be strong and train your mind to believe in yourself
and know that no one is better or worse than you. We are all in the same boat of life
Try different things. Join a team or club at school. Just try it. If you find you dont like it
Stop doing it and try something else.
Revel in wonder and curiousity at the world and focus on
Positive things and not personal insecurities or feeling of inadequacy
Whatever you concentrate on gets amplified. Compartmentalize your days activities
Anddevelop healthy routines and thought processes
You are perfect just the way you are and you must start and keep believing that
Whenever a negative thought comes in your head dont engage in it
Take a deep breath and let the bad thought about yourself go
Good luck
Talk to your parents, or trusted family members
They are there to help and guide you
Everyone feels a little off color sometimes
Just promise not to dwell in that negativity
Its counterproductive and isnt serving your needs or doing anything good for you
Everything will be okay