Sa fluctuates


Well-known member
I've come to realise that on some days i am actually free of sa, it could last for a few minutes even a whole day at times. When i get this period of freedom form sa i can converse in a relatively flowing manner and have fun (with people i know quite well).......I am confused as to how my symptoms vary so much all the time.

Does anyone else actually feel sa free for atleast a few minutes?

Smiley face

Active member
Same here. I think it may be because I let my blood sugar get too low. On weekends I feel normal for the most part since I am less active (not working) and I eat more since I have more time. Come monday morning I'm still feeling good but about 4 hours into work I'm feeling anxious. I just started today upping my carbs today and I think It helped me quite a bit :)

Think up theories as to what you did or didn't do or what you did different.


Well-known member
I used to get some days when I was SA free and felt that I was somewhat in control with myself...llike when I wasn't expected to go out for a quite a long period of time, I didn't feel pressured to leave the house or to do anything so I remained relatively calm. These days, I feel it's just a matter of time before I have to drag myself out of the house again,it's becoming so tiresome and stressful. :mad:

I think that when I sleep less, I get a little less anxiety because i feel too tired to be anxious sometimes. but I can't help it, it takes me forever to fall asleep so when i do manage to, I just want to carry on sleeping Zzzz...
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Well-known member
I get the same cycles. I've tried to observe my inner thoughts and behavior during these up and down swings, and I'm convinced that it's mostly mental, and has very little to do with biology. Because I can literally feel non-SA one second, and then within the breadth of 1 conversation, I become SA again. That's too quick for biology to explain IMO. I am pretty sure I'm getting these SA-tendencies because of a perception that I am inferior and lowly compared to some people I converse with. It's like I become so enamored and impressed with the capabilities of some people that I instantly paralyze myself from responding. With others (like people I know), I don't put them on such a pedestal, so I behave more normally if that makes sense.

The way I'm trying to fix it is by examining what exactly "impresses" me so much, and trying to bridge the gap so the action doesn't paralyze my speech with feelings of inferiority as much.


Well-known member
When i am in this state of sa free i believe that i am likeable. It only takes one small negative comment to drag me down again though.
I get SA free hours or minutes too, but I need very small thing to get back to my "normal" state. Song, comment, phone talk, sms or smth familiar returns my negative thoughts and i'm back... I have deleted a lot of music and blocked some internet pages which i think turns me negative. But i don't think it helped me a lot yet, only couple of days passed.


What's happening is that your 'EMOTIONAL THERMOSTAT' is set fairly low. If you start to feel 'too good' your subconscious mind goes 'Hang on, this is unsafe, better go back to "normal"'

It is possible to raise this emotional thermostat however and you will feel more better, more of the time. Consequently, you will find that you are attracting, and are attracted to, other people and environments who match your level (law of attraction)

Check out my site for a great method for doing this

Take it easy


Well-known member
Never. I never feel SA free. You're lucky that you at least get some moments of relief. Don't take that for granted!


Well-known member
I absolutely think that this is the case, based on my own experiences and I am glad that you mentioned this! I think that for me, it fluctuates first based on a biological condition (i.e. the neurotransmitters in my head just work out such that I am more anxious some days than others). One day it might be 20, the next 40, or maybe 5; it's really hard to say. I don't know that I feel SA free for a day, but I do feel like I have a much lower level that does not affect my interactions that much for several hours at a time! I think that what practice does is that it keeps the level lower on average. So, in the course of a year, I might only go up to 90 or 100 3-4 times or so, whereas in the past I would be up at this range for weeks on end. Great post!


Well-known member
Mate its great that you feel that way. Id suggest that you consider using that time to try and achieve any goals you might have that are more difficult or impossible when you are feeling very anxious, for instance could be as simple as talking to people at the store, going out someplace social like maybe a pub, ect whatever you feel upto.

I feel as though 90% of the anxiety disorder I used to have is gone. I think these days the problem is the habits I learned (or didnt learn) when I was unwell. You with me recluse ? Theres 2 parts to it not just the mental illness itself.


Well-known member
Don't get me wrong guys i'm still not exactly a party animal when i am sa free but i sort of just feel more relaxed and i have less of the insecurities i have when anxious.

Tommydog - Well yes i agree that perhaps we have picked up habits which we can't get out of, in my case solitude. I sometimes feel that i have got used to being alone and friendless, to the point i often don't care about having friends.


New member
Yep, happens to me on occasion. And I take advantage of it when it does! Wow, I can just walk up to anyone and talk about whatever, ham it up, get everyone laughing, no problems whatsoever. This sometimes happens to me when I have slept only 1-3 hours the night before. The next day, it's usually more of the same; rushes of adrenalin race throughout my stomach and chest whenever I am forced (or force myself) to speak face-to-face with a co-worker.