Sa coming and going


Well-known member
How come when i have made progress and become fairly ''normal'' and fairly confident i suddenly relapse into my old sa self?

Anyone else relapse into sa?

I do find that when i am tired my sa seems to come back with a vengeance and I go back to being a quivering wreck of a man.


Well-known member
yes i go through this consistently. Like a goddamn roller coaster. For me, its not when im tired. When im feeling confident and good, i will suddenly have a string of bad days that will bring me back down.

Rembrandt Broam

Well-known member
How come when i have made progress and become fairly ''normal'' and fairly confident i suddenly relapse into my old sa self?

Anyone else relapse into sa?

I do find that when i am tired my sa seems to come back with a vengeance and I go back to being a quivering wreck of a man.

Mine does vary in its severity. It's dependent on factors such as my mood and the situation I'm in at the time.

I actually find that my SA affects me less when I'm tired. It's as though being anxious takes a certain amount of energy, and when I'm tired I just don't have it to spare.


Well-known member
Any time you find yourself relapsing, try carving a spoon. It probably won't help too much, but at least you'll be symbolically giving your SA something with which to "shove it."

Relapsing into SA shows that it's not something you choose to have. You don't wake up and decide to be nervous around people all day.

And it's better to have periods where one relapses into SA that to be stuck dealing with severe SA every day and have isolated days that are relatively anxiety free.


Well-known member
I do find that I have some days that are better than others, but it doesn't usually last more than a couple. Over the years, I have become more comfortable doing some things I was incapable of before (like ordering food at restaurants). Most of this stuff is almost to the point of being a non-issue as far as anxiety is concerned, but I always have a certain level of anxiety.


Well-known member
Yeah, definitely. I feel like I've improved from my SA just a bit but I still haven't had much luck with my ADD, so when something goes wrong like having written only one paragraph for an essay in 4 hours, that's when I relapse.
But I feel like I'm improving and getting worse at the same time.