SA and horror movies

Hi, i was just curious about something. it seems to me that most SA sufferers are horror movie fans. with an SA sufferer is it to do with a general dislike of people, and you therefor like seeing the sort of stuff that happens to them in these films, or is that totally wrong? lol. it's just i've never really seen the appeal of them and i just wondered.


Well-known member
nah, i find it immensely hard to watch any horror movie or movies with suspense...when something is about to jump out unexpectedly which pretty much causes everyone to jump, yet i do it over small things, like a loud door opening or something

ahh i hate it
I don't mind the stuff that just scares you. It's the violent/gory horror films i don't like, like saw or hostel. I've never quite understood how anybody can actually enjoy watching that sort of stuff :\ makes me think there's a psycho in you lol


Well-known member
I have pondered on the same question...why on earth do i deliberately choose to have this adrenaline-purge by choosing to watch these kind of movies. As if my adrenals is not overly busy already! I have even been quite traumatized by this Lynch serie I watched when I was a kid....I had it pretty bad for several years after. I still have no idea why they continue to fascinate me. But I can't see why there should exist any connection between SA and horror movies either.


Well-known member
I enjoy horror movies. It isn't necessarily my favorite genre, but they are fun. I don't like any of the new, poppy scary movies but prefer the older ones.


Well-known member
I like horror movies more then other movies.Its not that i dislike people or like seeing them in those situations.They are just fun to watch.


Well-known member
Horror movies are alright once in a while but I much prefer Scary Movie 8) (thats a good joke right? well I don't care anyway :lol: )


Well-known member
I know a few scary movie fans who have SA.

It's like watching it and being scared is comfortable and strangely enjoyable because we realise that its just a scary movie, its not as real as we make out.

Ironically, this isn't far from the truth of our own anxiety, is it?

I have a bunch of scary movies and 'that feeling' comes up, you know that feeling, but experiencing it in the arm chair is like i allow myself to feel it without resisting it or wanting to cover it up, which only results in panic and an increased out of control sensation.



Well-known member
lol i never thought bout it but yah i rlly like horrow movies i think its because once i c all the bad things happen 2 ppl in the movie im like,wow atleast thats not happening 2 me! like b4 the 1st day of school i watched texas chainsaw massacre in the beggining and i was like, wow ican do this. - if that makes anysense at all! lol, just tryitsometime (eh sry somewordsarent spaced, the spacebar doesnt work unless u push rlly hard)


New member
I never find anything scary anymore. Most sort of serious horror films are too predictable and the really over the top gore fests like Lik Wong or something are more funny than anything else. What I do find terrifying to watch are romantic comedies. I get so embarrassed, especially on my own, I have to like leave the room to calm down sometimes hehe.


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Most really good horror movies aren't even that scary they just have alot of gore and suspense


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I love horror movies, and i gotta admit its partly because i like watching "happy", "normal" people, (especially teenagers) slayed, tortured, well as long as it is on screen lol, im not a psycho of course :roll:


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I don't watch much TV, nor do I watch DVDs very often, but I do like books by Steven King and Dean Koontz. Those count as horror books, I guess.


Well-known member
That's a very astute analysis James Morgan (about experiencing panic in an armchair, without having to worry about concealing it).

I don't like them myself 8O give me a quirky rom-com any day!


Well-known member
Personally, I don't like horror films... I don't get scared whilst watching them, well, besides the occasional jump, even when I know what's coming lol. But for days afterwards I'm much more on edge and uncomfortable and my imagination runs away with me lol... So I just don't watch them.

However I have an online friend who also has social phobia. (Not a member of this site) She loves horror films and books. She says it's because she enjoys being scared, whilst knowing that nothing bad can really happen...

Me, I just don't like being scared.. Plus I'm not a fan of violence lol.


Well-known member
I love a good horror movie. Candyman and Aliens are a couple of my favourites. :twisted: However, some are a bit too gory for me to stomach e.g. Saw. 8O