SA & Age?


Well-known member
Do u think SA decreases with age?
I think it does, because as u grow up u whine less & u learn to accept the fact that its a disorder & u dont have to be intimidated by ppl, basically u become more mature
On a personal note, My sa has become less with age or at least thats what i think. Any thoughts?
I agree with the fact that it does, or atleast for some people. I also think there's some people who have it their whole lives where it never changes/get's worse. When I was like five years old I would not even respond or talk to people I didn't know, but now I will at least do that. Also with my father, umm he used to have a promblem with social anxiety, now he's like the complete opposite. So yeah I agree with you.


New member
I think my SA has increased with age (not much though), at least since I was a teenager, because I have more and more responsibilities in life. Maybe it's just because it's harder to "hide" it now... I don't know.


Well-known member
skylar said:
I think my SA has increased with age (not much though), at least since I was a teenager, because I have more and more responsibilities in life. Maybe it's just because it's harder to "hide" it now... I don't know.

I agree. I think it has gotten harder for me because I have to do more things myself and can't depend on other people to do them for me.


Well-known member
I think it's different for everyone.

My experiences with SA haven't changed in 33 years, but my perspective on the illness has altered how I see myself. I now know I'm not the freak I thought I was growing up.


I'm 24 and my SA has gotten worse every year. I see all of my friends in long term relationships, starting careers, and just living a happy normal life. But I haven't progressed at all, I'm stuck in neutral. As the years pass I feel more worthless.


Well-known member
at times, i thought my sa was increasing too as i was becoming older & having more bad experiences.. i think more than age, the environment in which u r in makes a more significant impact. Any1 agrees with this?


Hie yer hence from me heath!
creep_x said:
at times, i thought my sa was increasing too as i was becoming older & having more bad experiences.. i think more than age, the environment in which u r in makes a more significant impact. Any1 agrees with this?

Yeah, I'd agree with you on that.


Most people I notice, even ones without SA, tend to care less about what others think as they age. So I would say it gets better as you get older.


Well-known member
I'm 31 and it has been getting more hard for me. But because i'm 31, alot of things don't bother me anymore, weekends alone, not having a relationship, but not having friends or family is the hardest. And being so alone most of everyday. I'm constantly afraid of being looked at as weird, small, too quiet, stupid, and this is what my biggest problem is and why I don't like to be around people. In a way because of my age I do have more confidence, but then socially, forget about it.


Well-known member
Re: SA and Age

Subdued said:
I've become less shy and more anxious as I got older.

Sounds about right.
I'm certainly less shy than I was at school and not completely clueless as to how to make conversation (apart from the odd moment) but I'm just as anxious if not more. Maybe cos, as some people have said, you've got more responsibilty and more is generally expected of you.


Well-known member
Tough question. I think I was more accepting of my SA when I was younger. I didn't like it, it was hard, but I dealt with it. Maybe I didn't mind it so much when I was younger because I had this fanciful idea that when I grew up I would be able to just break away from it. I could start fresh and me more adventurous. But as I grow older, I realize it's not going to happen.

Ever since I turned 21, I have had the tendency to turn to alcohol to help 'ease' some anxious feelings. I think this has made me worse. It's harder for me to know what to do without alcohol now. So, it probably has inceased my SA/anxieties. And thus, thinking about how I have to turn to alcohol depresses me and makes me give up on hope.

I have improved somewhat (even without the alcohol) from my school years. At least I can say 'yes' and 'no' instead of shaking my head up and down or all around, lol. Etc