riding cloud 9 as long as i possibly can =)


Well-known member
I woke up this coldass, gray skied, fugly looking fall morning feeling fan-fcking-tastic! i dont know why, nothings changed but hey im not asking any questions. im so happy! im gonna ride this wave of happiness as far as it will take me. even if its just for this morning, knowing i can feel like this despite all the bs life throws my way, gives me hope i can hang on to. how lucky i am. i should realize this more often.
Wow I love your spirit, I think you have a great boost today, full of joy.
I have those moments too, and try to HOLD them as long as you can.
Because these moments are precious, Enjoy it :)
And do whatever you wanna do today, doing things what makes you love, are great... and will make you feel happy.

I´m doing it too. I just gave my brother some money to buy something of the store, He was about to buy a DSI, and I gave him extra money so he could buy some more stuff. He was happy and I felt great :)
I like making people smile =)

and I just read a book while taking a bath. I was depressed this morning, not really happy, but NOW i'm feeling good , so I'm with ya ;)

Xx Good luck on the journey of happiness :D
