Research Symposium


Well-known member
Okay So I'm in a scholars program and one of the requirements to stay in the program is to conduct a research project/ experiment and present it and the city's research conference. Well I did all the work and my presentation is on Friday and I'm just now realizing that I cant do it. Its too late for me to back out though. I feel like a wuss because its only ten mins, but just the thought of going up in front of all those people and talking for ten mins makes my stomach turn.

Does anyone have any suggestions? or some encouragement? Im freaking out here.


Well-known member
My friend, I'm also a student, and next semester my professors want me to give a talk about what I've been researching over the summer (mathematical foundations of number systems (set theoretic type constructions if you're interested) and I feel your pain. Unfortuntly, if we both want to advance ourselves in the academic world, we need to get over it, and the best way to do just that is to actually give our presentations.


Well-known member
Perhaps you can get some medication prescribed for the presentation? I think it would really help ease the anxiety.